  • 學位論文


A Study of Taiwan’s Legislative Electoral System and the Transformation of the Taiwan Solidarity Union (2001~2016)

指導教授 : 曾建元


台灣團結聯盟成立於2001年,以穩定政局作為創黨宗旨,從該黨之黨綱內容觀察,台灣團結聯盟在意識形態光譜上,應該是位於國民黨與民進黨之間,居於中間的位置上。同時,黨主席於組黨期間也不斷對外宣稱該黨是「穩定政局的中道力量」,是台灣優先而非台獨,顯然對於敏感的統獨議題有所顧忌。 不過在2001年底的第5屆立委選舉過程中,大多數的民眾都認為台灣團結聯盟是屬於獨派的政黨,外界也將台灣團結聯盟貼上台獨的標籤。隨後在2002年的黨慶大會上,台灣團結聯盟則進一步將台灣正名的主張列入黨綱中,並於2004年底的第6屆立委選舉中以「正名制憲」做為選戰主軸,此時台灣團結聯盟於意識型態光譜上的位置,來到了極左端的急獨上。由於我國立法委員選舉所實施的複數選區單記非讓渡投票制,因此提供了台灣團結聯盟轉型的誘因;此外,民進黨執政後於意識形態光譜上往中間位移的結果,亦是造成這次台灣團結聯盟轉型的重要原因之一。 2005年立法委員選制改革通過後,台灣團結聯盟於新立委選制的壓力下,也逐漸開始調整政黨的路線與策略,最受矚目的莫過於2007年的轉型。台灣團結聯盟除了宣示未來要走中間偏左的路線,以照顧中產階級和弱勢族群為選舉訴求之外,更進一步表示台灣已經是主權獨立的國家不應再追求獨立,要追求的是國家正常化,在意識形態光譜上進行大幅度的調整,從以往的急獨來到中間偏左位置上,試圖打破選民對台灣團結聯盟的刻板印象。這一次的轉型,除了是受到新立委選制的影響之外,同樣也是受到民進黨於意識形態光譜上位移的結果所導致。


Established in 2001, Taiwan Solidarity Union (TSU) has aimed for political stabilization. According to the party program, Taiwan Solidarity Union (TSU) should be positioned in the middle of the ideological spectrum compared to the KMT and the DPP. Meanwhile, during the preparations for the party, the party chairman also claimed that Taiwan Solidarity Union (TSU) would be an intermediate power for political stabilization, and they further elaborated that Taiwan First did not mean Taiwan independence, which apparently indicated that Taiwan Solidarity Union (TSU) is scrupulous about sensitive issues concerning independence from or unification with mainland China. However, at the end of 2001, when the 5th election for legislative representatives was held, most people thought that Taiwan Solidarity Union (TSU) upheld the idea of Taiwan independence. Taiwan Solidarity Union (TSU) was also been labeled as a party which stands for Taiwan independence by general public. Afterwards, in 2002, when Taiwan Solidarity Union (TSU) was celebrating its birthday, rectifying the name of Taiwan was further included in the party program of Taiwan Solidarity Union (TSU). At the end of 2004, when the 6th election for legislative representatives was held, rectifying the name of Taiwan and drawing up a new constitution were adopted as the major campaign. Taiwan Solidarity Union (TSU) was tilted to extreme left over the ideological spectrum by claiming immediate independence for Taiwan. Owing to the single-nontransferable voting system then implemented as the electoral system for legislative representatives, Taiwan Solidarity Union (TSU) had the incentive to conduct transformation. Meanwhile, the fact that the DPP came to power and started to shift towards the middle over the ideological spectrum was also one of the major causes that led to the transformation of Taiwan Solidarity Union (TSU). In 2005, when the reforms on the electoral system for legislative representatives were passed, Taiwan Solidarity Union (TSU) gradually changed its political routes and strategies. What was most noted was the transformation conducted in 2007 when Taiwan Solidarity Union (TSU) claimed a route along the middle but slightly leftward, vowed to protections of the middle classes and disadvantaged groups, and further represented that declaration of Taiwan independence would be unnecessary, because Taiwan has been a sovereign state, we should pursue for normalization as a sovereign state. With significant changes to its position over the ideological spectrum, as a politically neutral party leaning slightly leftwards, Taiwan Solidarity Union (TSU) attempted to break down stereotypes of Taiwan Solidarity Union (TSU) among the constituents. The transformation conducted this time was also one of the results of the changes of the DPP’s shift over the ideological spectrum besides new electoral system for legislative representatives.


林佳龍,2000,〈台灣民主化與政黨體系的變遷 :菁英與群眾的選舉連結〉,《台灣政治學刊》,第4卷,第1期,頁3-55
