  • 學位論文


A Study of Bus Microscopic Simulation Models for Mixed Traffic Flow on Urban Arterial

指導教授 : 許添本


微觀車流模擬可用於交通改善措施的績效評估,近年來已廣泛應用於都市車流模擬之中。國內常用的微觀車流模擬軟體主要以VISSIM與CORSIM等國外軟體為主,這些軟體的車流模式大部分是以純汽車車流為基礎所構建的,因此若將其使用至國內混合車流環境,往往造成模擬結果與現實差異大,可靠度不足。有鑑於此,國外軟體若要應用於台灣混合車流環境仍有相當多的限制,為了改善此情形,必須構建台灣本土化車流模擬軟體。 本研究為了發展本土化車流模式,挑選於市區幹道上,量體最大但速度最小的公車進行車流行為分析與模式構建,透過市區幹道兩側高樓進行車流錄影,並以影片同步與座標轉換之技術,追蹤車輛收集微觀數據,包含實際座標、速度與加速度等資訊,進行車流行為分析。實際調查台北市忠孝東路與新生南路兩地點之公車車流行為,建構微觀公車路段跟車與進出站模式。 在公車跟車模式部分,根據國內外跟車模型之經驗,選擇行為門檻模式做為主要架構,以跟車淨間距與速差之實際資料,進行模式構建與門檻校估。之後將模式以Excel VBA撰寫模擬程式,經程式確認與微觀驗證後之結果,時點位移誤差RMSE小於0.4公尺,且MAPE值小於10%,顯示模式確實可以反映台灣公車路段跟車行為。 另一方面,本研究經過詳細的公車進出站行為分析,調查公車進站、停站與出站行為。當中在公車決定進站而進行轉向行為的決策中,以機率式二元選擇模型進行模式構建,用以解釋公車進站過程隨機性的行為;而停站部分,透過實際調查,找出公車停站位置與停站時間之分佈情形,以了解公車在停靠車站的行為;最後根據實際公車出站方式,撰寫公車出站邏輯,依據車輛在決定離開車站時的周遭狀況,決定公車離站方式。由上述公車進出站行為分析與模式構建之結果,在進站轉向決策模式的部分,依照實際樣本測試之判中率可達75%以上,透過實際樣本模擬與巨觀公車進站決策點分佈之結果也趨於一致,證實本模式可解釋公車在混合車道之進站行為。 由以上兩個部分公車車流模式的建立,未來可成為台灣本土化微觀車流模擬軟體的一部分,藉此反映台灣公車車流對於市區路段之影響,並可應用於公車站或公車專用道的設計與評估之中,有助於使整體車流模擬情況更貼近現實,提供交通從業人員一套可靠的交通車流評估工具。


Microscopic traffic simulation has been used to evaluate traffic improvement measure for several years. Even though there are many simulation models around the world, it still can’t simulate mixed flow very well. In development countries, there are a lot of cars, motorcycles and buses on urban arterials. The mixed flow influences speed, delay and road capacity etc. Bus is the largest and heaviest vehicle on road. It influences traffic flow a lot because of its running speed, occupancy and bus stop effect. However, most of microscopic traffic simulation software didn’t take care of these parts. To improve the reality of mixed flow microscopic simulation in Taiwan, this research tries to analyze the bus behavior in mixed flow, and build the bus microscopic simulation models. This research use digital video and coordinate transformation techniques to get microscopic vehicle data. According to these data, this research analyzes bus following behavior and the process of bus entering and leaving bus stop. The bus following model is according to Wiedemann psycho-physical threshold model’s structure to build and calibrate the model. After model verification and validation, the result of RMSE is about 0.4m per time step, and the MAPE value is smaller than 10%. It proves that this model can simulate real bus following behavior. Therefore, the behavior model of bus entering and leaving bus stop is built. With the flow chart of bus behavior process, this research uses binary choice model to decide when the bus turning to the bus stop. After the model calibration and validation, the hit rate of the choice model is greater than 75%, and the distribution also fits the real condition, demonstrating good model performance. To sum up, this research builds bus microscopic behavior models on urban arterial. For the development of local microscopic traffic model, it can be used to evaluate bus stop effect and make the simulation become more reality and reliability, helping traffic engineer evaluate the traffic flow condition.


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