  • 學位論文


The Political Participation of Crowdsourcing in Taiwan: A Case Study of Watchout.

指導教授 : 張國暉


本研究以群眾外包探究公民政治參與、實踐民主的可能。台灣另類媒體「沃草有限公司」,其具備新媒體特質,影響台灣公民參與政治的方式。從「沃草」發展自社會運動的脈絡,受到資金的贊助,成立實體公司並陸續開始執行專案。之後,公司也歷經信任危機,更換過執行長,並重新取得大眾的信任。「沃草」如何組成,從人力、資金、運作執行,並研究其專案執行上與群眾外包,甚至與審議民主之間的關聯性。 研究發現,群眾外包強調以網路作為群眾參與的重要場域,給予審議民主在網路上發展的可能。國外諸多群眾外包案例並非完全適用於台灣,但可以成為「沃草」參考對象。群眾外包模式不論由上而下、由下而上,或公私協作,必須以公民為最重要主體,並以參與為主要目的,公民科技的使用為輔助。「沃草」發展屬於台灣在地的群眾外包模式,包括網路線上能量累積,再擴張現下舉辦實體活動,並擔任政府與公民間的平台蒐集民意。讓參與政治有趣化,藉著專案的執行進行一場台灣公民教育,長期監督政府的社會運動。


This thesis takes crowdsourcing as a research approach to explore the possibility of civil political participation and practice democracy. ‘Watchout co.’ the alternative media in Taiwan, it also has characteristics of new media, and affect the way in which Taiwanese citizens participate in politics. Watchout developed from the social movement, got sponsorship, established a company, and started implementing projects. Afterwords, the company experienced a crisis of trust, replaced the CEO, and once again gained the trust of the public. The study also pays attention to how the ‘Watchout’ was organized, including human resources, sources of funds, and project operation, and studies the relationship between project operation and crowdsourcing, even deliberative democracy. According to the study, corowdsourcing emphasizes the Internet as an important field for the crowd and gives deliberative democracy a direction of development on the Internet. Many foreign crowdsourcing cases are not fully applicable to Taiwan, but they can be referenced by Watchout. Regardless of the top-down approach, bottom-up approach, or public-private collaboration, the mode of crowdsourcing must take citizens as the most important subject. Participation is the main purpose and assisted by the citizen technology. Watchout develops local mode in Taiwan, including accumulating energy on the Internet, expanding to held off-line activities, and serve as a platform between the government and citizens to collect public opinion. It will not only make political participation interesting, but also conduct a social civic education, and is a long-term social movement which supervises the government by operating project in Taiwan.


文化部(2018)。〈107年度文化部書面之公共工程及採購契約〉。https://www.moc.gov.tw/information_393_74853.html。2018/5/9 檢索。
文化部(2017)。〈106年度文化部書面之公共工程及採購契約〉。https://www.moc.gov.tw/information_393_60604.html。2018/5/9 檢索。
