  • 學位論文


A Study of the Phases of Community-based Ecotourism Development

指導教授 : 朱子豪


近年來國際保育社會開始著重以社區為基礎的自然資源經營管理,透過在地社區長時間與自然資源互動所形塑出來的人地關係,使社區成為自然資源經保育的要角。而社區透過保育的成效來發展生態旅遊業,這種結合保育、商業經營與社區發展的「以社區為基礎的生態旅遊」模式近來在台灣頗受重視。 本研究分為兩階段進行,首先採個案研究法針對台灣發展社區本位生態旅遊之案例進行歸納分析,抽取其中重要因子,將發展過程轉為階段性歷程。並呈現各階段歷程之特徵、關鍵課題、可能因應方式以及階段之間的轉換機制。 第二階段是將本研究提出的社區本位生態旅遊之歷程在台東縣杉原社區進行實地個案探討,探究杉原社區過去與現在所處發展階段與本研究成果之呼應情形,並對杉原社區未來會經歷的發展階段提出具體建言。同時也提供國內期望以資源保育進行生態旅遊營造之社區一發展指引參考。 本研究針對社區本位生態旅遊提出五大發展階段,分別是:1.社區面臨生計危機、2.確立核心資源與展開保育行動、3.設立生態園區、4.發展生態旅遊計畫、5.永續經營等五大階段。而在杉原社區的實地個案研究分析結果可發現,其海濱護漁行動的過程可與本研究提出的發展階段相互呼應。杉原社區目前屬於第四「發展生態旅遊計畫」階段,未來也將面臨第五「永續經營」階段,藉由研究成果之彙整提供杉原社區未來發展方向的建議與相關重要課題的提醒。


In recent years, the international conservation groups have been paying more attention to community-based natural resources management (CBNRM) and community-based ecotourism. Both of them emphasize the interdependence of local community and natural resources. This concept of ecotourism combines with conservation, business and the development of the local community. Recently, the public have more interests in this kind of cases. The first part of the study is using the case study method to analyze the cases of the communities which developing ecotourism in Taiwan. And then not only make the development processes into stages, but also provide the characteristics, key issues and possible solutions on each stage. In addition, the study also provide the conversion mechanism between stages. The following part of the study is using the result of the phases of community-based ecotourism development to examine shanyuan community. Besides, the study also wants to provide the guidelines to domestic communities which want to develop ecotourism through natural resources management. This study identified five critical phases of the community-based ecotourism development. They are (1) the hardship of livelihoods, (2) to identify the core resources of the community and launch conservation action, (3) to establish ecological park, (4) the implement of ecotourism plans, (5) the sustainable management. The study found that the action of fishing protection along the local waterfront in shanyuan community have interrelationships with the five critical phasas. Shanyuan community is now on the fourth stage, “the implement of ecotourism plans”. That is to say, the community may face the fifth stage, “the sustainable management” in the future. Therefore, the study provided several suggestions to Shanyuan community through the previous study results.


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