  • 學位論文


Enlightening the Art in Life: Shui-long Yen’s Formosa Handicrafts Movements from the 1930s to the 1950s

指導教授 : 顏娟英


顏水龍(1903-1997)為一名生長於日治時期臺灣的洋畫家,1920 年代他曾前往東京與巴黎學習油畫,但從1930 年代開始,他將自己的生命時光投入發展臺灣的手工藝品。顏水龍以洋畫家身分投入指導手工藝品發展的箇中原因並不好理解,特別是日治時期的洋畫家身份擁有崇高社會地位,而發展手工藝品並不被認為是一名藝術家應做的事情。關於顏水龍投諸於臺灣工藝產業的教育理念,以及他的影響力,至今都尚未有較為全面的評估。   顏水龍的臺灣工藝活動研究,並不是關注器物本身的研究,意亦不在架構1930 至50 年代的臺灣工藝史,而是透過畫家投諸於工藝品上的個人思想與行動,從個人生命史的角度去探究臺灣工藝之於顏水龍的意義,以及日治時期臺灣美術家因同時身為一名被殖民者,而急迫面對的自我理解問題、建設自我文化的問題。   論文首章討論顏水龍如何從一名油畫家的養成背景,轉而投入工藝產業的過程,並說明顏水龍所謂之「工藝產業」與日本近代工藝史上之「產業工藝」的關連性為何。第二章本文重新整理顏水龍在日治末期的工藝活動場域,包含其與柳宗悅、金關丈夫等人的互動,並釐清顏水龍所談之臺灣工藝與日本民藝運動之關係。第三章則處理顏水龍在1950 年代臺灣手工業發展中所扮演的角色;此章除了架構1950 年代臺灣手工業發展的背景,也大量涉足當時手工業重要行政、教育 機構的發展,並指出顏水龍如何在1950 年代複雜的國內政治、中美外交、臺灣經濟發展等議題中,持續耕耘他對工藝教育者投諸的理想。


Shui-long Yen (1903-1997) was a Taiwanese oil painter, who was borned and received education during Japanese colonial period (1895-1945). Through the 1920s Yen went to Tokyo and Paris for the academic discipline of oil painting, whereas he devoted the rest of his life to the flourishing of Taiwanese handicrafts. Considering painter as a kind of reputed job in the period of colonial Taiwan, the motivation for Yen to put aside the identity as a painter and become a handicrafts advisor is hard to understand, especially when handicraft was seldom being recognized in the matrix of Art at that time. Until now the overall effect of Yen’s educational guidance on the Taiwanese handicrafts industry remains unclear, indicating the need for a more complete research of Shui-long Yen’s Formosa (old name of Taiwan) handicrafts movement.   Therefore, this thesis is not concerned about the various Taiwanese handicrafts themselves, nor does it aim at constructing a general history of Taiwanese handicrafts. This thesis focuses on the thoughts that Shui-long Yen poured into Formosa handicrafts, and finds out the meaning of Formosa handicrafts to Yen. Also, through the reconstruction of a personal history, the thesis is going to provide an example to a puzzle that how a Taiwanese artist under Japanese rule faced his own cultural identity.   The first chapter of the thesis explains the transformation of Yen, from his oil-painting background to an advisor of the handicrafts industry, and addresses the relationship of Yen’s “handicrafts industry” with the idea of “Industrial Art” in the modern Japan. The second chapter aims at the reconstruction of the field of Formosa handicrafts at the end of Japanese colonial period that Yen was involving in, including his relationship with archeologist Kanaseki Takeo and Yanagi Muneyosi, the leader of Mingei movement in Japan. The third chapter discusses Yen as a handicrafts educator in the 1950s, a period that Taiwanese handicrafts exportation has just formed under the American aid to East Asia.


楊靜,〈1950-60年代美國專家Russel Wright對臺灣外銷產業工藝的指導事蹟及其貢獻〉,國科會專題研究計畫成果報告,2008。


