  • 學位論文


The Chinese Institute of Engineers in Post-war Taiwan: The Close Yet Remote Relations between the State and Engineers

指導教授 : 張國暉


近年來,「工程」領域逐漸成為科學與技術研究(Science and Technology Studies, STS)關注的焦點。本研究選定以中國工程師學會(Chinese Institute of Engineers, CIE)為研究場域,基於該學會成立自1912年至今已有百年歷史,曾為中國近代會員人數最多、規模最大的綜合性工程學術團體。透過深入訪談以及次級資料法的研究方式,試圖探索與理解戰後台灣國家發展脈絡與工程專業間的關係。本研究主張,在台戰後國家與工程師間的關係是從「收編」到「互利」到「自利」的轉型進程,且工程專業團體自上而下的發展模式,誘使兩者間互動背後的意義是既近又遠的。意指我國在歷經威權跨越至民主的發展過程中,一方面,國家的專制體制在某種程度上順水推舟拉拔了工程事業,另一方面, 隨著戒嚴時期的終結,本土工程師長久被壓抑的專業自主性才逐漸展露曙光。 加上回顧中國工程師學會的歷史脈絡後,發現其呈現式微趨勢,這致使本土 工程師必須面對在各國工程文化交融之下所產生的多元困境。除此之外,在 工程師專業認同的流變上,本土工程師也逐步跳脫傳統上問題解決與定義的 思維框架,並運用自我批判式的視角去重塑並提升工程師及其專業團體的 社會地位與角色。


In recent years, the field of “engineering studies” has become one of focuses of science and technology studies (STS). This research is about the development of the Chinese Institute of Engineers (CIE). The CIE was formally established in 1912 and was once one of the largest comprehensive engineering academic groups in modern China. This study adopts an in-depth interview and secondary qualitative study with an aim to explore and understand the relationship between engineering profession and national development in post-war Taiwan. This study argues that the interactive relations between the state and engineers in post-war Taiwan is at the same time close yet far, especially considering the transitional process from incorporated entity into mutually beneficial or self support cooperation, and the top-down development mode of engineering profession groups. Further, by a historical review, this thesis suggests that the decline of the CIE challenges local engineers to equip themselves with more diverse engineering knowledge and practice. Finally, in terms of professional identity, local engineers have gradually replaced the traditional problem-solving methodology with critical self-analysis to reshape and enhance their social status.


