  • 學位論文


An Approach of New Seeding Production in Malabar Chestnut

指導教授 : 張育森


馬拉巴栗(Pachira marcocarpa)原生於中美墨西哥一帶,屬於木棉科(Bombacaceae)的熱帶喬木,農民多以田土露天育苗及栽培。馬拉巴栗以外銷為主,自民國95到102年,其出口總金額高達51,105千美元。雖馬拉巴栗生長勢強且容易栽培,但若管理不當容易感染疫病與根腐病,而帶病植株日後編辮苗也會因為失編而失去其商品價值。因此,本研究以研發新式栽培法取代慣行栽培,以改善產業現況,首先探討無土介質栽培馬拉巴栗對植株生長之影響,接著再探討以水耕栽培馬拉巴栗合適之育苗無土介質,之後再進一步討論馬拉巴栗以水耕養液栽培生長之影響,最後再探討養液中添加釋氧物質之可行性。 使用無土介質栽培馬拉巴栗實生苗,若要使用單一無土介質,推薦使用泥炭苔(P),可得最佳株高、莖徑、CMR、NDVI、葉綠素螢光、地上部及地下部乾重,但泥炭苔為非再生性之資源,而椰纖(C)處理植株所得之植株外觀和乾重,皆與泥炭苔處理組無顯著差異,故若考慮到環保,也可選擇使用椰纖搭配肥培管理。單一介質無法應付所有環境,且理化特性難以調整,因此選擇混合介質之生長較佳,故試驗結果以PVPe221在DQI與QI上表現皆最優。 以液體作為育苗介質之自來水處理容易腐敗、通氣水處理和流動水處理則因下胚軸皆呈現彎曲不規則,品質不如固體介質育苗,因此馬拉巴栗育苗時期仍是採用固體介質育苗較佳。以蛭石(V)、水苔(S)及1-P栽培土(1-P)等固體介質育苗後之QI值相差不大,但馬拉巴栗根系易與水苔糾纏,使得後期移植水耕栽培時反而費工,因此推薦以蛭石或1-P栽培土作為最佳馬拉巴栗水耕前適用育苗介質。低光環境(100 μmol·m-2·s-1)下種植馬拉巴栗,以山崎萵苣養液配方表現最佳,臺中場養液配方次之,而Hoagland養液配方表現最差,因此推薦處理結果最佳之山崎萵苣養液配方作為水耕養液。高光環境(1100 μmol·m-2·s-1)下種植馬拉巴栗以臺中場養液配方表現最佳,然以QI值來看,臺中場養液配方處理數值6.83與山崎萵苣養液配方之6.63差距不大,且皆超過6級分;以試藥等級配置成本為例,山崎萵苣養液配方藥劑成本明顯低於臺中場養液配方,為故推薦使用山崎萵苣養液配方為水耕養液最佳。 一次水中加入0.01 g·L-1之釋氧物質時,水中pH值從原本的6.01上升到9.33,濃度提高至0.02 g·L-1之釋氧物質時,水中pH值則是上升到10.98,呈強鹼性。水中加入釋氧物質並調整pH (ORC+pH)處理後的水中溶氧量(DO)於調查其間皆維持最高,而水中打入空氣處理(WA)與水中加入釋氧物質處理(ORC)差異不顯著,純水處理(W)則是最低。試驗結束時,ORC處理之DO值顯著高於W處理,與前人研究結果相同。 綜合以上,馬拉巴栗無土實生苗栽培介質選用PVPe221其生長品質最優。而水耕馬拉巴栗前,最好以蛭石(V)或1-P栽培土(1-P)作為介質育苗,而後移入水時,在低光度(100 μmol·m-2·s-1)與高光度(1100 μmol·m-2·s-1)環境下則是以養液成本最低且處理結果佳之日本山崎萵苣配方(Y)作為推薦之養液配方。釋氧物質加入水中雖會使溶液呈強鹼性,但DO值也會上升;ORC+pH處理組之DO值表現最佳,而ORC處理能取代打氣,可節省打氣機具器材支出,又能達到節能減碳之附加價值。


馬拉巴栗 水耕


Malabar chestnut [Pachira macrocarpa (Cham. & Schltdl.) Walp.] (Bombacaceae) is a tropical small tree native to Mexico to central America. Growers in Taiwan usually use field soil for nursery and culture of this species. Most Malabar chestnut plants were exported and total valued 51,105 thousand U.S. dollars from 2006 to 2013. Malabar chestnut has strong growth and can be easily cultured, however, Phytophthora and Lasiodiplodia infection may cause severe lose due to stem rot and braid loss. Therefore, developing new culturing system to overtake the conventional one is expected. This study was aimed to 1) test the effect of soilless medium on growth of Malabar chestnut, 2) find the optimal nursery medium for subsequent hydroponic culture, 3) elucidate the effect of nutrient solution of hydroponic culture on growth of plants, and 4) test the feasibility of additional oxygen releasing compounds to the nutrient solution. Malabar chestnut plants had the highest growth performance and dry mass when grown with peatmoss without other soilless medium. Plants grown with coir dust had similar appearance and dry weight compared to the peatmoss-grown. Coir dust could be a substitute for peatmoss based on eco-friendly consideration. However, coir dust did not suit for all environments and was difficult for physical and chemical adjustment. Thus, soilless mixture PVPe221 was recommended because of the plants had the best Dickson quality index (DQI) and quality index (QI) value. Seedlings easily rotted during tap water nursery. Aerated tap water and running tap water treatments resulted in curved hypocotyls. Seedling quality was better when grown with solid medium than liquids. Seedlings grown with vermiculite (V), moss (S), and 1-P soilless mix (1-P) had similar QI value. But moss could not remove easily from root system and could increase transplanting labor cost. Malabar chestnut were recommended to nursed with V or 1-P before hydroponic culture. Under low light condition (100 μmol·m-2·s-1), plants had best performance when fertilized with Yamazaki lettuce nutrient (Y) solution, Taichung (T) solution was the second, and Hoagland solution treatment resulted in worst plant growth. Under high light condition (1,100 μmol·m-2·s-1), the best was with T solution. However, QI value was not significantly different between T solution (6.83) and Y solution (6.63). Y solution had lower chemical cost than T solution. Therefore, Y solution was recommended for hydroponic culture of Malabar chestnut. When 0.01 g oxygen releasing compound (ORC) was added to distilled water, pH increased from 6.01 to 9.33, and pH to 10.98 when 0.02 g ORC was added. Dissolve oxygen (DO) maintained the highest during experiment period after adding ORC and pH adjustment (ORC+pH). Aerated distilled water had similar DO with ORC+pH. Distilled water without ORC or aeration had significant lower DO. In summary, Malabar chestnut could be grown with soilless mix PVPe221 to achieve the best plant quality. Seedlings should be nursed with vermiculite or 1-P soilless mix before hydroponic culture. During hydroponic culture, Yamazaki lettuce nutrient solution was recommended both under low (100 μmol·m-2·s-1) and high (100 μmol·m-2·s-1) light conditions for better growth and lower cost. Additional oxygen releasing compounds (ORC) resulted in higher pH and dissolve oxygen (DO). ORC plus pH adjustment had the highest DO. ORC treatment could be a substitute for aeration system and had lower energy cost.


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