  • 學位論文


A Study on the Use and Management of Public Facilities Exacted from Urban Renewal Projects in Taipei

指導教授 : 林建元


臺北市為全國最早實施都市開發回饋且案例最多的都市,都市更新在審議過程中,開發者被要求回饋公益設施,相對可獲得容積獎勵,理論上該回饋公益設施的提供需具有充分公共利益。但臺北市目前在都市更新公益設施回饋機制的設計上,通常只計算興建成本,卻未考量到後續使用與管理維護成本並制定妥善的營運計畫;或當初回饋的公益設施並非使用者真正需要,而造成部分設施閒置或低度利用的問題,致使未能充分達到公共利益。回饋設施是否適當使用與管理,乃本研究擬深入分析的爭議課題。 本研究針對目前臺北市政府收取之各種都市更新回饋公益設施,依其種類與經營型態區分為不同類型並建立相應評估指標,了解不同類型公益設施之營運管理績效,最後提出相關改善建議,以改善臺北市都市更新公益設施之回饋制度。 公益設施之永續經營可就財務永續面、硬體維護面、軟體經營面、使用績效面與社會公平面五大面向進行衡量,再依不同利害關係人關心之不同面向建立相關評估準則。本論文將臺北市政府所收取的都市更新回饋之公益設施,依維護管理依賴程度區分為維護管理低度依賴型與維護管理高度依賴型,再將後者依據經營管理型態區分為政府委託其下級機關經營之行政委託型與政府委託民間部門經營之商業委託型,分別依據上述五大面向之相關準則進行比較分析。 研究成果顯示商業委託型相較行政委託型更積極開拓財源、更妥善維護、更注重軟體經營且使用績效較佳;而二者之使用/受益/負擔關係大致合理。就整個都市更新公益設施回饋制度而言,建議政府未來應以公益設施的整個生命週期來計算效益;就法令層面而言應整體考量,將都市更新回饋之區民活動中心納入臺北市區民活動中心設置管理要點內。


Taipei City is the first city establishing the land exaction system for land development control in Taiwan. In the review process of urban renewal projects, developers are often requested to provide public facilities in return of FAR bonus. However, the calculation of the public facilities exacted from urban renewal projects often neglected the future use, management and maintenance costs of exacted facilities. Some exacted facilities became abandoned as a result. The analysis of the exacted facilities is a critical task for urban studies. Aiming at the public facilities exacted from urban renewal projects in Taipei, through sorting of categories and operating types, evaluation indicators of operating performances are identified. It is proposed in this study that public facilities should be evaluated in terms of five dimensions, namely, financial sustainability, hardware maintenance, software management, use of performance and social equity. After that, public facilities are grouped into two types, maintenance high-dependent and low-dependent public facilities. Furthermore, high-dependent facilities are grouped into administrative-entrusted and trading-entrusted public facilities. In conclusion, it is found that trading-entrusted public facilities are more active to gain more financial resource with better maintenance of the public facilities and better performances. It is suggested that the government should take the cost of life cycle into consideration for the exaction of public facilities. Especially, the exaction of community centers should be made clear in the local regulation of land use exaction for the sustainable development of local development.


urban renewal public facilities performance exaction


