  • 學位論文


A Communication Strategy for Social Movements in the Internet Age: Evidence from an Anti-Eviction Movement of the Wang Family

指導教授 : 陳順孝


本文研究「文林苑」都市更新抵抗運動中,社運團體台灣都市更新受害者聯盟組織的傳播與動員策略,發現在漫長近四年的抵抗歷程中,在組織決策方面,運動團體水平組織的優勢使成員保持動能,但劣勢是人員流動、易造成組織不穩定;在群眾串聯方面,社運團體初步以實體人際建立外援團體關係,延伸向虛擬網路空間,透過社群網站Facebook轉換為「社交圖譜」,在線上線下反覆滾動、擴張;在社會對話方面,強拆事件爆發後,引發大眾媒體鎂光燈的進駐,連帶社群網站Facebook追蹤人數的暴增,聯盟在有限的時間、人力、為搶時效之下,採取最直接能觸達到群眾的傳播策略模式,但既有成功經驗,反而導致社運團體傳播策略上的盲點。 本研究發現,網路並非社運萬靈丹,存在其能量與侷限,網路雖能快速集結群眾,但長期抵抗的需求下,仍需重視傳播策略與訊息產製包裝上的創新。其次,本研究發現網路不再是社運團體的專利,社會運動同樣面臨對抗勢力運用公關策略,透過線上線下發起輿論戰反制的威脅。網路可能是既有社會差異脈絡的延伸,未來抵抗運動恐將面臨更嚴峻的挑戰。本文採參與觀察法,並以研究者的自身參與經驗出發。


In this study, anti-eviction movement of the Wang family, activist groups Taiwan alliance for victims of urban renewal organization spread and mobilization strategy, discovered the advantages in the long course of nearly four years of resistance, in the organization decision aspects, horizontal organization allow members to maintain momentum, but the disadvantage is personnel flow and cause organization unstable. In terms of tandem mass, activist groups to entities preliminary interpersonal relations to establish foreign aid groups, extending to the virtual network space, through social networking site Facebook is converted to "social graph", repeatedly rolling down and expansion between online and offline. In terms of social dialogue, after the outbreak of the demolitions, triggering mass media spotlight presence, joint social networking site Facebook to track the number of surge. The activist group considers a limited time, manpower; take the most direct contact can reach the masses the communication strategy mode, but both successful experiences, lead to activist groups in the blind spot on the communication strategy. The study is found that the Internet is not a panacea for social movement, it exists power as well as limitations. Although the Internet can be quickly assembled masses, at the demand of long-term resistance and innovative communication strategies still need to pay attention to the production system and information on the package. Secondly, the study is also revealed that Internet is no longer exclusive patent to activist group; social movements face the same tactics against the forces of public relations, media war launched to counter threats through online and offline. Internet might be an extension of the existing social differences; it fears that future social movements will face more severe challenges. The research method takes participant observation, the experience from the participation of the researcher.


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