  • 學位論文


The Decline of Taiwan’s Develpomental State? The Transformation of Relations between ITRI and Semiconductor Industry (1974-2014)

指導教授 : 張佑宗


過去發展型國家論(Developmental State)旨在描述東亞新興國家的發展模式,強調國家角色在經濟發展及產業轉型中,作為推動發展的關鍵因素,國家必須擁有足夠強的能力(Capacity)以及自主性(Autonomy)加以干預市場,並在經濟官僚的指導下與企業建立適度連結以發展產業。台灣在90年代之前體現了典型發展型國家的特質,從過去加工出口區、科學園區再到扶植半導體高科技產業,成功創造出高度經濟成長的奇蹟。在發展型國家產業升級中扮演很重要角色的是領航機關(Pilot Agency)以及國家公共研究機構(National Public Research Institute),公共研究機構必須配合國家政策需求,動員國家力量引進產業技術,並自主研發以求追趕上先進國家,1973年創立的工業技術研院即是台灣最重要的公共研究機構,在半導體產業發展上貫徹政府意志及政策,40年來扮演科技研發機構、政策執行者以及產業輔助者等多重角色。 然而,隨著90年代後期台灣面臨全球化及民主化以的浪潮,國家勢必要根據情勢變化做出相應的策略調整,在產業升級以及轉型的過程中,回應來自內外部之挑戰,適時地轉換國家角色的內涵及地位。本文欲探討工研院與台灣半導體產業關係的變遷,由此案例觀察台灣發展型國家的調整與轉型,是否隨著民間企業的集團化及研發能力強化後,工研院在半導體產業的角色已不在重要?國家是否已不再有足夠的能力與自主性扶植重點產業?由以上問題意識檢視台灣發展型國家的特質是否依然存在,以及國家又該如何回應。 本論文研究發現,台灣發展型國家的特質確實正在消逝當中,儘管國家與產業互動模式已轉為平台夥伴的協作關係,體現了發展型國家的自我調適(Self-Adapting)能力,但在平臺轉型十多年後之今日,事實上並未達到當初國家預期的目標,臺灣企業在研發與創新上並未有更多突破,即使工研院的科技菁英依然有其使命感去推動高端技術研發,體現了發展型國家的強烈意志,但在企業短期商業競爭為優先考量的情況下,許多廠商不願配合加入工研院的高端研發,也不想與工研院購買相關專利,造成工研院近來年成效日漸不彰,在國家財源吃緊的情況下,甚至要賣專利與技術予國外企業籌措財源,失去原先發展型國家欲扶植本國企業的自主性。在新自由主義浪潮席捲下,臺灣半導體企業規模已趨大型化及財團化,並且有超越國家的議價能力與主導產業政策之空間,工研院作為發展型國家意志的延伸,其自主性與能力已出現嚴重落差,造成台灣發展型國家今日面臨轉型不成功之困境。


The Developmental State theory aim to describe the model of emerging countries of East Asia, emphasizing the role of the state as a key factor in promoting economic development and industrial transformation. In order to develop industry, State must have strong enough capacity and autonomy to intervene the market, and attempt to build the appropriate links with enterprises under the guidance of the economic bureaucracies. Until the 1990s, Taiwan presented the characteristics of a typical developmental state, from export processing zones, high-tech science park and then to foster the semiconductor industry, successfully create a highly economic growth miracle. In industrial upgrading of the developmental state, Pilot Agency and National Public Research Institutes plays a very important role, public research institutes must meet the needs of state policies, mobilizing national forces to introduce industrial technology from outdise, and try to do the independent research by ownself to catch up with the advanced countries. Industrial Technology Research Institute of Taiwan (ITRI), established in 1973 , is the most important public research institute in Taiwan, it plays R&D institution, policy implementers, industrial cooperator and other multiple roles for the past 40 years. However, as the late 1990s, Taiwan is facing a wave of globalization and democratization, state must make appropriate policy adjustments based on changes in this situation, to respond the challenges from internal and external, timely transformate the role and status of the state in the process of industrial upgrading and transformation. In my thesis, I want to discuss the transformation of relationship between the ITRI and the semiconductor industry in Taiwan, observing the adjustment and transformation of Taiwan developmental state by this case, as the consolidation and strengthening research capabilities of private enterprises, whether the ITRI ‘s role has been not important in the semiconductor industry? whether the state has no longer has enough capacity and autonomy to support key industries? My thesis want to view the characteristics of Taiwan developmental state is still exists or not, and how should the state try to response those challenges. My thesis found that the characteristics of Taiwanese developmental state is declining, even though the state and industry interaction has been converted to partner collaboration platform, reflecting the self-adjustment capacity of developmental state, but after about ten years platform transformation, in fact that state had not achieved it’s anticipated goal, the enterprises in Taiwan does not make a breakthrough in R&D and innovation, even though technocrats in ITRI still has its mission to promote high-technology research, refleceting the strong will of the developmental state, but in the situation of short-term business competition for priority consideration, many companies does not want to cooperate with ITRI in high-end R&D, but also doesn’t want to buy related patents from ITRI, causing ITRI perform ineffective in recent years, and due to the difficult situation of national budget resources, ITRI need to sell its patents to foreign companies in order to raise financial resources, then losing the autonomy of developmental state to support the domestic enterprises. In the wave of neo-liberalism, the sizes of Taiwan semiconductor enterprises has become large-scale and consortiums, comparing to state’s capacity, enterprises already has enough bargaining power to lead the industrial policies. As the extension institute of the developmental state, the autonomy and capacity of ITRI is withering and decling, the result is Taiwan developmental state facing difficulties of unsuccessful transformation in today.


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