  • 學位論文


The Impact of Intrusive Web Advertisement on Consumer Behavior

指導教授 : 黃恆獎


消費者接受訊息的管道已經從大眾媒體為主過渡到與網路這種互動性媒體共存的時代,訊息傳遞與接收管道改變,也導致廣告商不斷的嘗試不同的廣告形式以求有效的與消費者溝通。網路普及之初,網路廣告商在廣告頁面建立連結以期將消費者引導致廣告商的主頁,但消費者主動點選廣告的機率非常低,因此廣告商傾向將欲傳達的訊息包裹進同個網路廣告裡,製作橫幅廣告置入消費者正在閱讀的內容當中,當消費者熟悉廣告商的侵入性手法後選擇忽略這類的廣告,因此為了吸引消費者的注意,廣告商不得不應用新的技術開始實驗性的發展更具侵入性的網路廣告,例如彈出式視窗、自動播放影片與聲音的廣告。 消費者上網通常帶有目的性,而且對網路抱持的態度是能夠主動控制欲接收的訊息,因此侵入性廣告剝奪了消費者接收訊息的自由,不僅無法達成與消費者溝通的目的,更甚至讓消費者對廣告產生負面的態度,造成溝通的反效果。 本研究從消費者的角度探討侵入性網路廣告對消費者的影響,找出影響侵入性的變因,以及侵入性廣告所造成的結果。本研究發現若消費者對即將出現廣告有了心理準備則能降低廣告侵入的程度,而與消費者瀏覽目的具高關聯性的廣告內容則對侵入性無顯著的影響。消費者感受到的侵入性程度越高則越容易引起惱怒的情緒以及迴避廣告的行為,惱怒也會直接正向影響廣告迴避,另外,賦予消費者對廣告的控制力能降低惱怒的程度。 依據實證顯示的結果,本研究擬定了降低網路廣告侵入性的行銷建議,以期在實務上建立消費者與廠商互利共榮的網路廣告呈現模式。


侵入性 準備度 關聯性 可控性 惱怒 廣告迴避


Mass communication has transited from one-way to two-way interaction form in this decade. By the transition of mass communication, advertisers have been looking for new effective ways to communicate with consumers. As the Internet began to popularize, advertisers would build up hyperlinks to guide consumers to visit their advertisement homepage, which did not work very well. In an attempt to increase ad effectiveness and add more value to advertisers, online publishers are now employing new ad formats that are larger and more intrusive, such as pop-up ads. Consumers search and browse on the Internet with strong purpose. They believe they can control and select the information just fit their needs. Thus, intrusive ads may deprive consumer’s freedom of receiving information and leave consumers more irritated. Intrusive ads can not serve the purpose of communication and even more evoke side effects. We try to stand in consumer’s shoes and figure out the impact of intrusive ads. We found out that the more preparedness degree of consumers, the less intrusive the ad is. The intrusiveness may have positive effect on both irritation and avoidance, which also has been proved by other researches. By the result of the LISREL model, relevance has no critical impact on intrusiveness. The degree of control leaves negative impact on irritation, which can affect avoidance positively. In the end of the thesis, we made several conclusions and derived some marketing implications.


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