  • 學位論文


The Experiences of Mothers in Feeding Activity with Toddlers

指導教授 : 羅鈞令


照顧幼兒進食是母親關心的議題,且影響著親子雙方的健康與安適感。本研究採質性研究法,訪問了十一位育有1至3歲幼兒的母親,探討母親照顧幼兒進食的經驗。訪談全程錄音並轉成逐字稿以進行分析。 結果發現,母親對幼兒進食有所期待,她們理想中的進食模式是注重幼兒進食的營養要均衡、食量要適當,並且注意幼兒的進食安全,使幼兒行為符合規矩,且培養幼兒獨立進食的能力,期待幼兒能在時限內進食完畢。母親在照顧的過程中,常發現幼兒的表現不穩定,容易使得母親感到苦惱。但若幼兒能夠穩定地符合母親的期待,則母親感到有成就感。此外母親和家人在觀念上不一致,也使得母親在照顧幼兒進食時感到有壓力,使得母親既要擔負幼兒進食的責任,又要顧及家庭的和諧,成為母親照顧時的最大挑戰。而母親在面對幼兒難以捉摸的狀況時,會尋求與評估他人的意見,整合自己照顧幼兒的經驗,並與他人狀況相比,以歸納出幼兒表現的原因,使母親能更順利地從事照顧幼兒進食活動。 總括來說,本研究呈現出母親照顧幼兒進食之活動對母親、幼兒甚至家人的意義與重要性,有助於喚起母親對此活動的重視,進而能夠更有意識地計畫與執行這項日常職能活動。同時也可以幫助健康相關專業人員更深入了解照顧幼兒進食活動對母親及家人的影響,而能夠提供更適切的服務與建議,促進整個家庭的健康與安適。


幼兒 進食活動 職能經驗


Feeding toddlers is an important occupation for mothers and would influence both mothers and children’s health and well-being. This study investigated the the experiences of feeding toddlers of the mother with qualitative research method. Eleven mothers who had a toddler were interviewed. The interviews were recorded and transcribed verbatim and then analyzed thereafter. It was found that all the mothers expect their children have a balanced-diet and eat appropriate amount of food. In addition to the safety concern, mothers would also train their children to feed themselves and finish the food in a reasonable period of time. In the process of feeding, mothers usually confused with the children’s inconsistent performance and this would distress the mothers. However, when the children performed as the mothers expected, mothers would have a sense of accomplishment. Besides, when the family members have different views of feeding toddlers, the mothers would feel under stress and need to take the responsibility of feeding the child as well as keep the harmonious of the family. This would be a great challenge to mothers. To face the unpredictable behavior or their children, mothers would search for and evaluate advices from the others, reflect their own past xperiences, and compare with the performance of the other mother-child dyads to understand the possible reasons for children’s performance, so that they could feed their children more successfully. In conclusion, this study revealed the meaning and importance of feeding activity to mothers. Occupation of feeding toddlers is not only related to mothers and children, but also related to the relationships between the families. The results of this study can increase the self-awareness of mothers in planning and executing this occupation. It can also help the health professionals to understand the influence of this occupation on mothers and their families, and to provide more appropriate services and/or advices to mothers with toddlers to promote the health and well-being of the whole family.


Baumrind, D. (1966). Current patterns of parental authority. Child Development, 37, 887-907.
