  • 學位論文


Preliminary study of disclosure journalism in Taiwan: The controversies over Oiu Yi disclosure craze

指導教授 : 洪貞玲


因高捷弊案的一張照片而紅的立委邱毅,引發2005年底之後一整年的爆料風潮,不僅重新改寫記者與採訪對象之間的關係,也牽動媒體追逐政治秘辛的神經,甚至直接引發藍綠政黨惡鬥更趨嚴重。 2005年底立委邱毅在TVBS《2100全民開講》節目上,公佈陳哲男的「濟州島賭博祕照」後,就此揭開了「邱毅密集爆料、媒體大量報導」的起點。長達一年以上的「爆料文化」橫掃各大媒體,而當時的爆料新聞佔據每日的電子媒體與報章雜誌版面,蔚為奇觀。雖然過去政治人物開記者會「揭弊」已是常態,但是像立委邱毅以一種長期的、持續的、無論事實與否、連續劇般的方式,以此佔據新聞版面爆料卻是首見。 雖然這段期間立委邱毅被媒體捧為「爆料天王」,另一方面又讓記者暗地叫苦連天。《2100全民開講》節目主持人李濤曾說:「爆料只要十件對一件,就成功了。」正戳中了當前台灣新聞媒體文化的混亂與兩難。這種雙重弔詭的狀況,在某個程度直指了記者在新聞專業義理與倫理的無可奈何,同時也顯示了長期以來台灣政治與媒體交錯糾結的深厚關係。 研究結果發現,「爆料新聞」符合媒體版面需求,但卻牽制記者行動。由於邱毅爆料內容大多牽扯第一家庭,此類爆料本來就是媒體喜愛追獵的議題之一。但是新聞媒體在要求爆料內容「刺激度」的同時,往往不得已捨棄「正確度」。多數記者在時間的壓迫與內容難以查證的狀況下,在報導同時只能大篇幅引用邱毅爆料的說法、小篇幅呈現當事者否認的說詞。在報導中呈現出「邱毅爆料指出」,即可轉嫁原本的查證責任。為了讓爆料新聞可以長時間出現在各大新聞媒體版面上,「分段爆料」即是延長媒體報導時效的有效方式之一。並且在此連續爆料的過程中,媒體為邱毅建立起「爆料天王」的形象與品牌,導致不具名的黑函與內幕訊息會往邱毅匯集,因此增加邱毅爆料的內容與媒體報導的時間。而記者與邱毅之間的採訪關係,已經變成「專人守候、全天追蹤」的狀態。 從四報爆料新聞的表現來看,因為記者無法掌握邱毅爆料內容是否真實,卻因為邱毅願意具名而加以報導,成為「假客觀」報導,但實際上並未做到客觀新聞學的事實性。此外,也因為記者在爆料新聞處理上,難以取得其他消息來源或是當事人的說法與澄清,導致報導內容無法做到最基本的平衡與公正,而無法達到基本新聞專業的標準。


The study will primarily discuss that disclosure journalism in Taiwan,--Qiu Yi’s disclosure craze influence Taiwan mainstream media system. When Legislator Qiu Yi disclosed a crucial picture about the ruling party’s scandal in a TV political talk show in 2005, mainstream media began to pursue the disclosure craze. Qiu Yi’s disclosure made mainstream media system in Taiwan paralyzed and changed the relationship between journalists and news sources. Journalists had no power to select what they want to report and confirm when they cover Qiu Yi’s disclosure craze whilst Qiu Yi had more and more scandals about The First Family to make journalists obey Qiu Yi’s rules. If journalists can’t comply with him, they will loss the important message. However, the scandals sometimes were wrong. Newspaper journalists had no time to investigate the sources and reported the news about Qiu Yi’s disclosure craze. Therefore, audiences can’t distinguish the information. However, the mainstream media called Qiu Yi “a hero of scandal disclosure” and still reported the wrong messages. From 2005 to 2006, Qiu Yi made the huge disclosure craze in Taiwan and caught what the media wanted. The study mainly explores the relationship between Qiu Yi and journalists. Research questions are as the following : (1)Did Qiu Yi control the journalists indirectly? (2)How did Qiu Yi disclose in different media? (3)Did he use distinct way to attract media’s attention? (4)Why did Qiu Yi’s disclosure craze affect mainstream media system in Taiwan?


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