  • 學位論文


The effects of different biochars on red soil chemical properties, microbial activity, and community structure

指導教授 : 鍾仁賜


紅壤為台灣地區重要耕作土壤之一,其化學性質常不利於作物栽培,若加以改良,則可利於栽培。生物炭(biochar) 是生質材料在低氧下,高溫熱裂解而成,具有碳含量高、多孔性結構等特性,不同原物料或熱解溫度會導致生物炭有不同的性質。生物炭可做為土壤改良劑,可促進土壤肥力、作物生長、土壤微生物活性等。本研究之目的為探討五種不同來源之生物炭(稻殼、柳杉、棕櫚殼與兩種不同粒徑大小之煤灰,施用2% w/w),與添加有機質肥料與否的兩種屬性,經由不同時間(0 天、90 天與180 天) 對土壤化學性質、生物性質及微生物族群結構的影響。結果 顯示,在本試驗之生物炭使用量下,其中和紅壤酸性的能力弱,但使土壤EC 值下降。15-30 μm 粒徑之煤灰生物炭增加土壤總氮,但所有處理之土壤總氮增加並不明顯。土壤有機碳濃度因生物炭添加而增加,顯示生物炭中的有機碳具抗微生物分解能力。稻殼、柳杉、棕櫚殼生物炭提升紅壤中磷、鉀、鈣之有效性,然而,生物炭對土壤鎂、鐵、鋅含量沒有顯著影響,但使土壤銅、錳含量下降。生物炭使未添加有機質肥料之紅壤酵素活性降低,添加有機質肥料之紅壤唯棕櫚殼與煤灰生物炭使活性下降。稻殼、柳杉與棕櫚殼生物炭提高土壤呼吸作用,顯示供給土壤微生物利用之碳源較多,反之,煤灰生物炭降低土壤呼吸作用。呼吸作用亦隨孵育時間 越長而下降,顯示生物炭所含之易變動碳只能短暫供應。生物炭對土壤生質氮、生質碳影響不大,對微生物生質量影響小。DGGE 與PLFA 之結果顯示,添加不同生物炭對群落結構造成不同影響,而隨孵育時間越長,影響群落越明顯,其中又以15-30 μm 粒徑之煤灰生物炭影響最大,而添加有機質肥料對微生物群落結構的影響大於生物炭。本研究說明不同生物炭之添加,會影響土壤的化學性質與生物活性,稻殼、柳杉、棕櫚殼生物炭對紅壤肥力與微生物相改良有較高的潛力,而煤灰則無。


Oxisol is an important cultivation soil in Taiwan due to its large acreage. Its high clay content and very acidic property are important reasons for unsuitable for crop cultivation. Biochar is a carbon-rish and porous carbonaceous material obtained by the biomass pyrolysis under anaerobic or oxygen-limited conditions. Many studies have shown that biochar improved soil physical and chemical properties. The different raw materials and pyrolysis temperatures would result in biochars with different properties. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of different biochars (rice husk biochar (RH), japanese cedar biochar (JC), palm fernel shell biochar (PKS), 5-8 μm (SC) and 15-30 μm (LC) particle size of coal ash biochars) on chemical properties, microbial activity and community structure of an Oxisol after different incubation time (0, 90, 180 days) under with or without that organic matter application. The results showed that the biochars were poor to change of soil pH values, however, decreased soil EC value. Biochar of LC increased total nitrogen content of soil and all the boichars applied increased soil organic carbon content. Application of biochar of RH, JC and PKS increased phosphorous, potassium and calcium availability of soil. Application of biochar did not affect soil available magnesium, iron and zinc, however, decreased available copper and manganese. Biochar application resulted in decrease different enzyme activities. With application of organic matter, the biochar PKS and SC decreased soil enzyme activities. Application of RH, JC and PKS biochar increased soil respiration rate, in contrast, biochar SC and LC decreased it. After incubation for 180 days, all biochars decreased soil respiration rate. DGGE and PLFA analyses showed the biochars addition significantly affected microbial community structure after application.


