  • 學位論文


Political and Economic Analysis of the Cross-Strait Negotiation Mechanism, 1991-2015

指導教授 : 蕭全政


1980年代以來,東歐國家在因應國際環境變遷與內部經濟改革需求而來的政經變動,更進一步於1990年中期後徹底打破二次大戰以來所構築的冷戰體系,兩岸自1980年代以來,中國大陸和臺灣的政治結構亦產生巨大的轉變,1987年政府宣佈開放臺灣民眾赴大陸探親,開啟兩岸接觸往來重要的里程碑。1991年「民間中介團體」海峽交流基金會、海峽兩岸關係協會正式設立,24餘年來,兩岸關係發展起伏迭宕,亞太地區政經情勢發展、國內政黨政治民主演進遞嬗,在在影響牽動兩岸協商機制的協商型態與政策作為。 本研究旨在就1991年至2015年兩岸協商機制進行相關研析,並以臺灣觀點與國際協商機制為主要比較研析範疇,核心主軸則以「一個中國」的實質概念與實務運作演進貫穿整體分析脈絡。 本研究發現,「一個中國原則」的兩岸協商實質概念與實務運作,在不同政黨執政時期,清楚呈現在協商機制的實務運作,兩岸協商機制實務運作,應從整體治理的概念出發,提出具體實務政策參考建言。


Since the 1980s, Eastern European countries have gone through political and economic changes in response to dynamic international circumstances and domestic economic reforms. In the mid 1990s, moreover, they disintegrated the cold war blocs which had been formed after the Second World War. As for Taiwan and China, the political structures have also undergone major changes since the 1980s. In 1987, the Taiwan government lifted the ban on travel to China, marking a momentous milestone in cross-strait communication. In 1991, quasi-private intermediate organizations, the Straits Exchange Foundation of Taiwan and the Association for Relations across the Taiwan Straits of China, were established. Over the past two decades, cross-strait relations, political and economic climate in the Asia-Pacific region, and party politics and democratic progress have all played a significant role in making an impact on negotiation patterns and policy-making of the cross-strait negotiation mechanism. This paper aims to study and analyze the cross-strait negotiation mechanism during 1991 and 2015 from Taiwan’s perspectives and refers to international negotiation mechanisms for comparison. The concept and practicality of the One China principle serve as the underlying thread that weaves through the main context of the paper. This study shows that the concept and practicality of the One China principle have been vividly present at the negotiation mechanism regardless of the ruling party. The practicality of the cross-strait negotiation mechanism should be able to provide feasible suggestions for policy-making based on the notion of overall governance.


初國華,2012,<美國的中國觀點及其對台政策:從柯林頓、小布希到歐巴馬>,《育達科大學報》,第 33 期,民國 101 年 12 月,第 65-84頁
