  • 學位論文


Synthesis and Characteristics of Organic Light Emitting Materials Based on 1,3,4-Oxadiazole

指導教授 : 蔡蘊明
共同指導教授 : 汪根欉


我們已經合成ㄧ系列含1,3,4-氧二氮呃之小分子與高分子的有機共軛發光材料,藉由引入旋環雙芴基,在光物理、熱性質及電化學方面均有不錯的表現,特別是多功能性的樹枝狀寡聚合物,同時帶有咔唑及1,3,4-氧二氮呃等基團,在核磁共振光譜上有一些有趣的現象;另外我們也合成出以旋環雙芴為中心,透過三苯胺及咔唑等強推電子基團與1,3,4-氧二氮呃強拉電子基團的加入之新型二極性材料,發現於電聚合實驗後所產生的薄膜態在不同氧化態的顏色變化特別顯著,而且具有高著色效率和高對比度並且可以應用在電致變色材料上。然而含1,3,4-氧二氮呃之高分子聚合物材料上,也透過bisphenol A的加入,改善了其溶解度和光學性質。除此之外,在二極性高分子聚合物的主鏈上以1,3,4-氧二氮呃當作電子傳遞材料,在主鏈上吊掛咔唑當作電洞傳遞材料,透過這樣的組合方式可以輕易的調整電子與電洞的比例,達到電荷傳輸的最佳狀態。


We have synthesized a novel series of organic light emitting materials which contained 1,3,4-oxadiazole (OXD) in small molecules and polymers. We introduced 9,9’-spirobifluorene group into the structure to increase the efficiency in photophysics and thermal stability. Especially multifunctionalized dendrimers with carbazole (CBZ) and 1,3,4-oxadiazole exhibit some interesting phenomenons in the nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum. A novel 9,9’-spirobifluorene-cored donor-acceptor (D-A) bichromophore system has been synthesized, where the electron-donating (D) moieties are triphenylamine (TPA) groups and carbazole group, and the electron-withdrawing (A) moieties are 1,3,4-oxadiazole groups which can impede electronic interactions between the TPAs, consequently allow to undergo efficient electropolymerization processes. The polymer film obtained showed reversible electrochemical oxidation accompanied by strong color changes with high coloration efficiency and contrast ratio, which can be switched by potential modulation. In another direction, polymers based on 1,3,4-oxadiazole polymer and bisphenol A were synthesized and found to exhibit good solubility and optical properties. In addition, we prepared bipolar polymer with 1,3,4-oxadiazole as electron transporting material in the backbone with carbazole branching as the hole transporting units. The methodology developed can allow as to adjust the electron and hole proportion.


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