  • 學位論文


Development of a Community Disaster Management Information System - A Case Study of Cheng Jhong Cheng Community in Sijhih City

指導教授 : 孫志鴻


過去民眾往往倚靠政府單位解決災害相關問題,但由於居住位置偏遠、道路中斷受損等因素使得救災資源無法即時進入災區執行搶救工作,往往延誤寶貴搶救先機,為使社區居民受災損失降至最低,因此近年來世界各地積極推動社區防災工作,提倡以社區為主體進行防救災作業,組織在地居民先行進行搶救災工作,以爭取時效。同時社區意識近年來更加蓬勃發展,社區居民對自身環境的要求及參與社區事務的意願也不斷提高,社區防災工作本著『由下而上』、『居民參與』、『永續發展』之理念著手,培養『自助而後人助』之觀念,以分工方式、互助態度,結合社區及政府資源,推動社區各項防災工作,來尋求社區居住安全與永續發展。 而行政院災害防救委員會在九二一地震、桃芝及納莉颱風等重大災例後,遴選十一處受災嚴重地區推動辦理「社區防救災總體營造實施計畫」,分別由七個專業團隊負責協助社區防災工作的推動,透過專業團隊參與式工學習、雙向溝通座談會及講習式座談會等不同模式協助社區民眾執行防災社區工作,獲得不錯成效,但也面臨諸多困境待以突破例如: 1.防救災編組成員無法及時找到已存在的重要知識,學到了經驗但沒有機制分享。 2.社區防災核心人員的流失損害了組織的整合能力及重要的經驗知識。 3.既存的流程、經驗法則、知識、技能已過時,沒有更新。 4.缺乏決策支援資訊協助社區民眾判斷。 為避免寶貴社區防救災知識與經驗流失,將其知識理論(顯性知識)與實務經驗(隱性知識)保存在社區內是刻不容緩的,以上問題可藉由災害管理資訊系統的導入協助解決,因此本研究乃構思藉由國內、外地方政府與社區防救災體制的探討,綜合政府、專家、居民之防救災知識與經驗,建構符合台灣本土性特質之社區防救災體制架構及推動流程,並發展適合在網際網路上使用的社區災害管理資訊系統,寄望透過社區防災知識的資訊化及網際網路的傳達與聯結,將防救災知識與資訊分享給社區居民,並快速複製、儲存經驗及知識,加以推廣應用。 平時社區民眾可透過此系統,主動制訂或修正社區防災業務標準作業程序及聯結相關資訊;災時即可立即查詢並獲得決策支援,社區指揮官亦可掌握各項業務執行進度。同時透過汐止城中城社區的導入驗證,也本系統更貼近社區民眾需求,可突破目前國內社區防災之瓶頸,促進社區自主防災、抗災、耐災的能力,以期能對國內社區防救災工作的推動能有所助益。


People used to rely on the government to provide disaster relief. However, manpower and resources cannot be sent immediately into disaster areas so that the timing of emergency was prolonged due to the remote residence;collapses of roads, other unpredictable factors and so on. To minimize the loss of inhabitants’ lives and properties , almost every country around the world has actively promoted community disaster prevention and protection in recent years. Publicizing disasters prevention jobs based communities and organizing local residents to proceed the disasters prevention works in advance both can improve the efficiency. Moreover, the senses of communities developed vigorous in last years, and the residents of communities raised their desires about local environment and public affairs. Communities’ disasters prevention and protection are composed of “foundation”, “participation”, and “sustained development”. Training up the concept that people of communities relieved themselves and combining resources between the government and communities can push works into action and establish the safety of communities and sustained development. It is very important and urgency to conserve the knowledge and experiments to avoid losing them. The above-mentioned problems can be solved by the conduction of disasters management information system. Therefore, the combination between the frame discussion of disaster prevention and the knowledge of experts can establish the local frame and processes in Taiwan and develop the communities’ disasters management information system suited for internet network. Expect to utilize the communities’ disasters prevention information and the connection of internet, will share the knowledge and information with community residents. Then, it can be copied, stored, and applied popularly. Ordinarily, the community residents utilize the system to frame or modify the standard operation processes and linked information actively; the community commander can search or master scheduled progress and obtain support to make decisions when occurring disaster. At the same time, the system can be verified by the conduction of communities in Sichih city, and the system conforms to what the community residents want. This research broke through the choke point of the communities’ disaster prevention in Taiwan. It promoted the abilities of disaster prevention, resistance, and toleration and expected to be good for the proceeding of communities’ disasters prevention and protection in Taiwan.


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