  • 學位論文

陸生來臺就讀研究所意願之敘事探究─ 北京大學個案分析

Narrative Analysis of the Willingness to Study Graduate School in Taiwan: A Case Study of Mainland China Students from Peking University

指導教授 : 陳明通


開放陸生來臺就學政策,在特殊的兩岸關係氛圍下,政治因素極可能凌駕教育問題本身。今(2013)年初,我方政府宣布,將大舉擴招陸生,此政策圭臬應是填補生源,或是提升國際競爭力,引發爭議。目前,綜觀臺灣學界,以對岸學生內心意象作為分析,付之闕如。本研究旨在廓清「中國大陸學生來臺灣就讀研究所學位的可能意願」,內容以說故事(story-telling)類型呈現,研究對象為北京大學的大學部學生,透過敘事訪談(narrative interview)與實地參與觀察方法,了解陸生學習生活經驗與來臺就學的動機考量。以彰顯具有指標性的中國大陸學生,對我方陸生就學政策之關注程度與看法,進而歸納此政策在執行程度之良窳。主要研究成果,發現以下訊息:臺灣高等教育環境,足以吸引已有臺灣經驗的陸生。然而,我方政府招生宣傳不足,加上中國當局對我方資訊缺乏公開與透明,陸生的研究領域,若與臺灣無直接相關者,將臺灣納入升學考量之機會,可能更低。陸生將來臺就學,多已假定為國內地區的學習交流。


Year 2011 marks the opening for Mainland China students to be eligible to study in graduate schools in Taiwan and obtain degrees, leading to a series of domestic controversies. More debates have continued to emerge since Taiwanese government has become more active in widening the scope of eligible overseas students — especially those from Mainland China — in early 2013. However, little academic discussion is given over this stream so far, while there is hardly any related research that focuses on why and how Mainland China students would be willing to study in Taiwan. This study aims to clarify the motivation of Mainland China students to study graduate school in Taiwan by conducting interviews in the way of “story-telling” with undergraduate students of Peking University (PKU), one of the most prestigious universities in China. Methods of “narrative interview” and “direct observation” contribute to subsequent analysis of the students’ learning experiences at PKU campus and their concerns about studying graduate school in Taiwan. The results are summarized as follows. The learning environment of higher education in Taiwan appeals particularly to those Mainland China students who have been to Taiwan, whereas the others might not even consider Taiwan as an option for their further studies unless their research areas are intimately-linked to Taiwan itself. It may be attributed to the circumstances that the Chinese authorities do not provide opened plus transparent information about Taiwan, and neither does Taiwanese government put enough effort in promoting its own higher education industry to increase the international enrollment. Most of the Mainland China students take studying in Taiwan as, still, a “domestic” learning opportunity instead of an international one.


King, G. ,Keohane O.R. ,Verba,S. (1996). Designing Social Inquiry:Scientific Inference in Qualitative Research.Princeton University Press.


Cheng, S. T. (2015). 大陸 學生來臺就學政策執行之研究─以逢甲大學為例 [master's thesis, Feng Chia University]. Airiti Library. https://doi.org/10.6341/fcu.M0201007
