  • 學位論文


Battle for” home”: identity performance of urban informal settlement

指導教授 : 周素卿


本研究以臺灣大學與紹興社區間的土地使用爭議為案例,探討都市非正式住居居民透過抗爭與協商來捍衛以及爭取居住權,並建立家與社區認同重構的過程。 首先爬梳近幾年重要的都更迫遷案例,分析比較案例的差異與紹興事件的特殊性,特別是社區所經歷抗爭、和解、協力三階段的歷程與權利轉變,利用次級資料的文本分析整理出紹興社區迫遷事件發生中居民在議題上論述的轉變,以家的保衛戰作為論題,分析紹興社區居民從財產權的抗爭到居住權的爭取。接著透過中繼與安置的居住空間議題討論的參與觀察了解居民在日常生活下,在家戶與社區的互動與連結,拼湊家園想像進而深化意義。最後利用深度訪談了解居民將家園帶入公共化的社區討論,在個別家戶與群體之間的意識凝聚,透過地方公共事務的討論與參與,了解社區重新召喚家的情感連帶與意義,重新建構社區之認同。 本研究重新定位與複雜化有機自營之非正式住居聚落想像,從抵抗到協力之過程中,打破以往非正式住居受到推土機政策的迫遷與壓迫,而有中繼、安置的後續討論。透過凝聚集體意識與大眾媒體傳播,讓議題加以串連,以微小的常民力量與知識撼動整體社會與政治,利用自我認同與展演改變社會與政府對於弱勢群體的人權及居住議題的再重視,使得土地爭議等問題有不一樣的回應與解答。


This research takes on the dispute of the use of the land between National Taiwan University and Shao-Xing community as a case study by discovering how the informal residents fought and urged for their housing right, and further re-establish their home and community through reconstructing a process of identity. Firstly, we reviewed the most important urban renewal cases and analyzed differences between these cases and issues in comparison to Shao-Xing community, especially on three revolution stages: resistance, compromise and coordination. Through thorough literature analysis on secondary data, this study summarizes the transformation of issues from Shao-Xing community from the property right to the adequate housing right. Secondly, I participated in the discussion on the resettlement and observed the interaction between households and the community. Finally, by the in-depth interviews, we realized that the residents adopt the conception of home into public community discussion. By participating public affair discussion, the reunion of households and the community had helped recall the feeling and attachment of home to reconstruct the identity of Shao-Xing community. The study re-defined the imagination of the informal residence, during the process from resistance, compromise, and then the community started to accept resettlement. Through the collective consciousness between the community and media, the matters were all chained to become the power to change the whole social and political knowledge to ordinary people. The awareness has changed society and government to act on human rights and housing issues, and emphasize on those vulnerable groups, so that the disputes for the use of land have other different responses.


