  • 學位論文


Studies on the L-Joint of Panel Furniture

指導教授 : 林法勤


本研究之目的為探討目前常用於系統櫃等家具產業之板材,包括木心板、粒片板及專門設計給家具使用之定向粒片板,配合可拆裝式的金屬(Knock down, KD)接合件結合,並與傳統之接合方式作比較,以了解其角接合之抗彎力矩,進而強化家具接合之強度,以增加使用年限及安全性。透過L 型角接合之實驗方法,結果顯示使用木螺釘接合於壓縮及拉伸時,粒片板有最大的抗彎力矩,分別達到28,498 及32,749 N-mm;而使用木釘接合與木釘及搭配德國海福樂原廠Minifix®於壓縮及拉伸時,粒片板一樣有著較佳的表現。 目前 KD 接合件於坊間有很多相似之設計,故本研究選用德國海福樂原廠品與國產品做比較,以了解其是否有差異。對於板式家具之角接合強度,使用定向粒片板有較強之抗彎力矩,配合原廠Minifix® 於壓縮及拉伸時分別有達到15,136及22,459 N-mm,而國產Minifix 於壓縮及拉伸時則為14,532 及22,927 N-mm,統計分析結果顯示兩產品間無顯著差異。定向粒片板配合原廠Rafix 於壓縮及拉伸時分別有達到8,076 及14,822 N-mm,而國產Rafix 於壓縮及拉伸時為12,284 及18,202N-mm,統計分析顯示壓縮時有顯著差異。本研究可提供作為家具設計及研究人員科學上的依據,以利家具結構之工程設計及發展。


The purpose of this study was to investigate the panel products used in the system cabinets and furniture industry, including wood core panel, particle board and oriented strand board designed specifically for the use of furniture. First, corner joints constructed with removable metal KD connectors were compared with the traditional connections in order to understand the bending strength difference. Results will improve the strength of furniture joints and increase the safety and life time of products. The experimental results show that particle board constructed with wood screws (S),dowel (D) and dowel with Minifix® Häfele (DM) in the compression and extension have maximum bending moment resistance than the other two panels do. Since there are many similar KD connectors in the market, two types of products, Taiwanese imitation and the German Häfele original goods, were used to compare the strength differences each other. For the corner joint strength of panel furniture, oriented strand board (OSB) constructed with KD connectors has maximum bending moment resistance. The average compression and tension bending moment of OSB L-type corner joints with Häfele Minifix® were 15,136 and 22,459 N-mm, respectively. And the average compression and tension bending moment of OSB L-type corner joints with domestic Minifix were 14,532 and 22,927 N-mm, respectively. However, there was no significant differences between Häfele Minifix® and domestic one according to Tukey test results. Furthermore, the average compression and tension bending moment of OSB L-type corner joints with Häfele Rafix were 8,076 and 14,822 N-mm, respectively. And, the average compression and tension bending moment of OSB L-type corner joints with domestic Rafix were 12,284 and 18,202 N-mm, respectively. According to Tukey test results, there was significant differences between Häfele Minifix® and domestic one. This study can provide as scientific basis for the furniture design to the researcher, so as to facilitate the furniture engineering design and development of the furniture structure.


李雲蕓、李文昭、曾益民、徐聞全(2012)木材快速熱裂解油為基質醇溶性PF樹脂含浸材製作成型板之性質。林業研究季刊 34(3):227-236。
