  • 學位論文


The Analysis of Taiwanese Seafood Products with Export Potential

指導教授 : 張靜貞


不論是政府為促進經濟發展與就業環境而欲拓展水產品出口市場,提供出口拓銷計畫以助我國業者擴展出口,或是水產品業者為擴大市場而選擇具出口發展性的品項生產時,為使資源的使用能達到最高效率,在數以百計的水產品中,都會遇到那些水產品具有出口的未來發展潛力問題。為協助政府與業者從眾多水產品中很客觀地找出台灣具出口潛力的水產品,作為未來輔導的對象。本研究採用MOA(Multiplicative Optimization Approach)法,將能用以評估出口潛力的各項指標資訊整合成一綜合指標,篩選出具出口潛力之水產品。由於水產品項眾多,無法針對全部水產品皆進行分析,本研究先以近三年(2011-2013)平均出口值來做排名,且考量關稅對產品出口的重要性,因此僅以前十大能完整取得關稅資料的水產品作為主要分析目標。經評估機制篩選後,此十項水產品的出口潛力強弱依序為大目鮪(生鮮或冷藏)、黃鰭鮪(生鮮或冷藏)、冷凍正鰹、活石斑魚、冷凍大目鮪、活鰻(白鰻)、冷凍長鰭鮪、冷凍黃鰭鮪、冷凍吳郭魚與冷凍秋刀魚。若將此十項區分為高、中與低度出口潛力三個級距,則屬高度出口潛力的水產品為大目鮪(生鮮或冷藏)、黃鰭鮪(生鮮或冷藏)、冷凍正鰹,代表此三水產品最具有出口增加的潛力,目標市場為印尼、菲律賓、帛琉、斐濟、泰國與中國。此一結果顯示遠洋漁業對我國未來水產品出口之重要性,故政府仍應持續重視遠洋漁業的發展,尤其目前遠洋漁業正面臨全球過漁的問題,導致鮪類魚種瀕臨絕種與保育團體的高度關切,進而促使養殖鮪類的發展,因此長期而言,如何輔導遠洋漁業轉型為養殖漁業也是值得思考的問題。


When dealing with export promotion, the concerning authority anticipates that the limited resources which can foster the development of the exporting products could be exploited without careful screening. The seafood industry is not an exception. How to select Taiwanese seafood products with export potentials from numerous items of seafood is the primary researching question of this thesis. By means of the concept of composite indicators, this study constructs a mechanism using the Multiplicative Optimization Approach which can integrate the various information of measuring export potentials into a single indicator. Due to the plentiful items of seafood products, this study selected the top ten items as the targets according to their ranking in average gross export values during 2011 to 2013 and the completeness of their tariffs information. They are Bigeye tuna, Yellowfin tuna, frozen bonito, live Grouper, frozen Bigeye tuna, live Eels, frozen Albacore or Longfinned tunas, frozen Yellowfin tunas, frozen Tilapia, frozen Saury in order. If the ten items of seafood products are divided into three categories, which are high, medium, and low export potential, the high export potential category includes Bigeye tuna(fresh or chilled), Yellowfin tuna(fresh or chilled), and frozen bonito. All of these three seafood are produced through the method of pelagic fishing, and their exporting destination are Indonesia, Philippines, Peru, Fiji, Thailand, and China. Accordingly, the authority should concentrate on protecting the marine resources of the pelagic fishing from excessive exploitation. In the long run, how to transform the pelagic fishing industry into tuna aquaculture is also an important strategy to cope with the stock depletion problem.


