  • 學位論文


Landscape Ecology Approach in Biodiversity Conservation Using MODIS Imagery

指導教授 : 王鑫


景觀生態學著重「探討區域裡不同空間單元內生物與環境之間的相互關係,這樣的關係不僅反映在一個空間單元內不同生態組成的垂直關係,也牽涉到不同空間單元間的水平關係」。 本研究從「景觀層級」探討生物多樣性的保育範圍,以2002年MODIS影像進行分析,取得的影像覆誑


NDVI MODIS 生物多樣性 景觀 生態系統


Landscape ecology involves the study of relationships between organisms and their living environments within a specific region. The relationships involve ecological and spatial relationships in a spatial unit and between different spatial units. In this study we discuss the definition of landscape, landscape structure, and landscape function. Base on the viewpoints of GST, we consider that the definition of “Landscape” is an area of land containing a mosaic of different ecosystems. Ecosystems are the components in a landscape. Taiwan’s protected area system planning in this study is an example to integrate survey, analysis of Landscape ecology, and planning. There are 23 MODIS images in 2002 and provide useful data for us to analyze land cover dynamics in Taiwan. Among all ecosystem types, broadleaf forest, mixed forest and conifer forest ecosystem accounts for 36.81, 12.25, and 10.44%, followed by dry field and rice ecosystem with 16.30 and 6.87% respectively. Urban ecosystem accounts for 4.85%, and all others are less than 4%. NDVI is the useful derived information from MODIS for assessing vegetation function, especially for areas lack of information in ecological researches like Taiwan. The NDVI is formed in terms of the ratio of the difference between the visible and near infrared bands and shows a sharp response between forest and non-forest areas. After analyzing the four MODIS images in different seasons of 2002, we calculate the NDVI values of broadleaf forest, conifer forest, mixed forest, rice, and dry field ecosystems. Using the technique of GIS to select core areas and buffer areas in order to have a holistic protected area system. Integration will be the most important issue in 21 century. In the research we try hard to integrate survey, analysis, planning in order to provide useful information to decision maker. The most important of all is using RS imagery to provide key ecological information to planner and decision maker.


NDVI Biodiversity MODIS Ecosystem Landscape


Armbruster, P. and Lande, R.(1993)A population viability analysis for African elephant (Loxodonta africana): How big should reserves be?, Conservation Biology, 7:602-610.


劉威廷(2008)。誤差分析平台運用於植生影像分類準確性提升之探討 -以台灣大學校區為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2008.10243
