  • 學位論文


The Study of Teenager Mothers' Stress, Need and Marriage Quality.

指導教授 : 陳月枝


本研究主要目的在探討青少女母親其所面臨的壓力、需求及婚姻品質,並重新省思護理人員的角色與功能。隨著社會性觀念的開放,初次性行為年齡層下降,青少年擁有性經驗的比例逐年攀升,根據內政部調查統計顯示,2006年台灣15~19歲的婦女生育率將近千分之8(內政部戶政司,2006),位居亞洲已開發國家之冠,青少女懷孕問題值得被關注,且有85%決定保留孩子的青少女母親,大多數選擇奉子女之命進入婚姻(林惠生,2000)。 本研究使用質性研究合併量性研究的方法,採立意取樣,自花蓮各鄉鎮衛生所列管之未成年母親資料中,及滾雪球的方式,挑選合適的個案。資料的收集是採用訪談、個案日記、部落格文章、及問卷之三角測量法。本研究訪談36位青少女母親,來自臺灣各地區,36位青少女母親平均年齡為19.19歲,目前婚齡皆小於七年。質性資料的分析是採內容分析法,而量性資料的分析是用SPSS 12.0套裝軟體。 本研究資料分析後,發現的結果如下: 本研究質性分析結果發現: 青少女母親面對婚姻中的許多壓力,大至上有:身心健康問題、育兒壓力、家庭生活的壓力、婆媳問題、家務分工、先生兵役問題、經濟壓力等。而面對婚姻壓力的調適方式有:家人與父母親的祝福與支持、夫妻間的善解與包容,能溝通並相互協調、婆媳關係因應良好、及專業資源的應用。 本研究量性分析結果發現: 全部36位青少女母親之婚姻品質總平均為2.73分,有偏正向的情形。在做青少女母親婚姻品質預測因子中,發現「青少女母親懷孕到結婚時間」、「公婆支持婚姻」、「家中收支情形」、「先生婚後的態度」呈顯著相關。 本研究合併質量性分析結果發現: 1.青少女母親,表示需要的支持系統來自於家人為主,包含自己的父母親,其次為醫療專業人員及朋友。 2.大多數青少女母親,在面對育兒方面的困擾時,首先會向她的家人或父母求助,其次為醫療專業人員。 3.在朋友支持系統方面,有青少女母親表示,因為懷孕走入婚姻的因素,會有與之前朋友失去聯繫的現象,但又因先生的關係,及婚後角色的轉變,而多認識了先生的朋友,及一群可以聊媽媽經的朋友們。 4.青少女母親在面對婚後許多角色的壓力上,若能獲得家庭、社會、朋友、或專業人士的支持,除了可以增進母性角色的達成外,更能減輕婚姻中所帶來的各總壓力。 根據研究目的,並由資料分析的結果與討論中發現,兩大結論為: 一、青少女母親婚後很努力的去調適各方的壓力,且在有家人、父母、朋友及專業人士的支持下,使得青少女母親之整體婚姻品質與各向度得分均偏正向。 二、護理人員應藉由初級預防之各種衛教指導,來促進整個家庭的健康,協助其維持整個家庭的完整;並藉由次級預防措施之加強個案克服壓力因應能力,防止家庭結構遭破壞而導致離婚。 本研究可以提供護理人員瞭解青少女母親所面臨的壓力及需求,並藉由護理專業人員的支持,作為協助與支持青少女母親之依據。


The purpose of this study is to find out the stress, need and marriage quality that teenager mothers are facing and reconsider the role and function of nursing professionals. With more and more adolescents are open about sex, age of adolescent girls getting devirginized is getting lower and adolescent sex rate is rising annually. According to the statistics of Interior Ministry, in 2006 the adolescent pregnancy rate for girls aged 15-19 accounts for 0.8% of all pregnancies in Taiwan, which has topped other developed countries in Asia.( Department of Census Administration, Ministry of Interior 2000.) Therefore, the problem of adolescent pregnancy needs our attention. 85% of these teenager mothers who’d like to keep their babies would choose to get married following the discovery of an unplanned pregnancy. (LIN Hui Health, 2000) The study combines qualitative research methods and quantitative research methods and was conducted using purposive and snowball sampling teenager mothers listed in health care centers in Halien. Appropriate cases were collected by interview, case diary, blog articles, and questionnaires of triangulation method. 36 pregnant teenager mothers from around Taiwan were invited to participate in the study. The average age of those 36 teenager mothers was 19.19 years old and all of them have been married less than seven years. Qualitative data were analyzed by content analysis, while quantitative data were analyzed by SPSS for window 12.0. After analyzing the data, the main findings were as follows: The results of the qualitative analysis were as follows: Stress on teenager mothers in marriage included physical and mental health issues, parental stress, how to get by, interactions between mother- and daughter-in-law , family chores distribution, husband’s military service, economic stress and so on. Solutions to their stress are: husband’s understanding and tolerance, good relations between mother- and daughter-in-law, and make the best use of health care professional resources. The results of the quantitative analysis were as follows: Average of marriage quality of the 36 teenager mothers was 2.73 points, showing positive inclination. Predictive factors such as "time between pregnancy and marriage", "support of parents-in-law", "household income", and "attitude of the husband" are found relevant significantly. Results from combination of qualitative and quantitative data analysis were as follows: 1.Teenager mothers need support from their family, including their parents, followed by health care professionals and friends. 2.When facing child-care problems, teenager mothers would first go to her family or parents for help, followed by health care professionals. 3.In social support system, teenager mothers express getting married because of pregnancy, some of her friends would stay away from them. So many teenager mothers would make new friends with husband’s acquaintance, and get to know someone who can share motherhood with. 4.Teenager mothers have a lot of stress on their roles, if they could get support from family, community, friends, or professional support, not only can they enhance the role of motherhood, but also be more happy about marriage. Based on research purposes and the data analysis, two major conclusions were found as follows: First, young teenage mothers face stress of different respects. With the support of their family, parents, friends and professionals, their entire marriage quality and other respects were positively inclined. They priority need is to establish supportive system of those mentioned above. Good support system can help them on motherhood such as various child-care problems and make their marital relationship more harmonious and stable. Second, health professionals can promote the health and to assist the maintenance of integrity of their family through a variety of primary prevention education guidance. They can strengthen their coping skills against stress and prevent the destruction of the family structure accompanied by divorce through secondary prevention preparation. This study could help nursing professionals understand teenager mothers’ stresses and needs. It can also serve as a standard for nurses to provide help and support teenager mothers.


teenager mothers stress need marriage quality triangulation




