  • 學位論文

幾丁聚醣與聚麩胺酸摻混之水膠敷料於拔牙傷口之 活體評估

In-vivo Evaluation of a Chitosan/γPGA Hydrogel Dressing in Post-extraction Sockets

指導教授 : 林俊彬 謝國煌




A novel chitosan/γPGA Hydrogel was composed of chitosan and γPGA because chitosan had antiseptic, biocompatible, and degradable properties and γPGA’s anionic nature allowed γPGA to form hydrogel with chitosan at an appropriate pH. The purpose of in-vivo study was to evaluate the chitosan/γPGA Hydrogel’s degradation rate, wound healing situation and new bone formation by radiography and histology. Fifty female Wistar rats (total 100 upper incisors) were used as the animal model. We chose randomly 64 extraction sockets and they were divided into 4 groups: no implant insertion(control group), Spongostan(control group), chitosan sponge(experiment group), chitosan/γPGA Hydrogel(experiment group).The rats were sacrificed later at the time interval of 1, 2 ,4, 6 weeks for further radiographic and histological evaluations. The results showed the chitosan/γPGA Hydrogel’s effect on new bone formation was better than other 3 groups.


extraction sockets chitosan γPGA hydrogel Spongostan


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