  • 學位論文


The Study of Applying the Microbubble Column System for Dust Removal Control in Livestock Buildings

指導教授 : 侯文祥


本研究裝置由微細氣泡產生裝置及簡易式氣泡柱組成,並於柱內清水中添加適當濃度之木酢液,測試裝置對畜舍粉塵去除之可能性。 由氣泡粒徑最小化實驗結果顯示,添加木酢液添加濃度為2% 時,可縮減氣泡粒徑80%;其餘包括裝置型號、單孔面積、開孔數目、孔口位置、架設角度等5個設計因子之主效應及交互作用,對縮小氣泡粒徑範圍皆僅於20% ~40%。而在氣泡擴散能力部分,則以架設角度與是否添加木酢液影響最顯著,影響程度分別為76.1% 以及70.2%。再以不同木酢添加濃度(2%、1%、0.8%、0.5%、0.2%、0.1% )對造成的氣泡粒徑加以測試,結果顯示,木酢液添加濃度於0.1% ~0.5% 間、pH値控制於6.39~4.55間,可得氣泡粒徑最小化的最佳結果。 而由裝置測試實驗結果得知,氣泡柱內液體溫度無分層現象,且為系統中影響最大的因子,因此分別於不同液溫 (25℃、30℃、35℃、40℃、45℃)下,通入3.2 g粉塵測試裝置除塵能力。結果顯示,通入粉塵後,系統會因液內小粉塵量多寡而分成前後兩期,前期浮除能力可用液體溫度進行預測,分別於30℃及42.5℃時達最高跟最低浮除效率;而後期浮除能力可用前期浮除後液中殘留粉塵百分比加以預測,且浮除能力只有前期之2% ~8%。而在浮除能力的表示方面,以浮除效率(mg/s)優於濃縮倍數(1/min),推測是因部分粉塵溶於液中,導致濃縮倍數被低估所致。


This research is applying the simple microbubble generated device and bubble column system, join proper Pyroligneous acid to dust Control in Livestock Buildings. According to the result of minimizing bubble size,adding Pyroligneous acid can influences bubble size more than 80%,but the coverage of the other factors(the type of the device、Area of air vent、Air vent number、Air vent location、Angle of the device)and it’s interaction are just about 20%~40% .In addition, Angle of the device and adding Pyroligneous acid can also influence 76.1% and 70.2% spreading ability of bubbles. And then add 2%、1%、0.8%、0.5%、0.2%、0.1% of Pyroligneous acid to water. Test and show, concentration between 0.1%~0.5%、pH between 6.39~4.55 can reach its top performance. According to the result of device testing, liquid temperature has a equivalent distribution in the bubble column, and it is the most important factor of the system. Therefore, add 3.2g dust when system reach 25℃、30℃、35℃、40℃、45℃. Results show that the system has two stages reactions in accordance with tiny dust concentration. In the preceding stage, ability of flotation can be estimated by liquid temperature, and reach its top and bottom when 30℃ and 42.5℃ separately. On the other hand, the later stage’s ability of flotation can be estimated by the tiny dust concentration at the end of the first stage, and the flotation ability is only 2%~8% of the preceding stage. The results also show that flotation efficiency (mg/s) can estimate flotation ability more precisely than multiple of condensation (1/min). Conjecturing that is because part of dust dissolved in the liquid and underestimated the multiple of condensation.


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