  • 學位論文


The Accountability of Local Governance- A Case Study of Textbook Co-Selection Policy on Taipei City, Taipei County and Keelung County Area

指導教授 : 趙永茂


1994年《省縣自治法》公佈,確立縣市自治體制;1997年第四次憲法增修的台灣省虛級化之後,原屬於省教育廳的權限依其性質上移及下放到中央與各縣市;1999年《地方制度法》與《教育基本法》的先後公佈施行,賦予地方政府在地方教育事務的權限,擁有比以往更多的自治空間與支配資源,地方民選首長就其管轄範圍內的教育權限,享有充分的決策權與裁量權,理想上能夠更加進行符合在地特色的教育制度。 北北基一綱多本選一本與高中職聯合入學測驗政策具有跨域合作治理、地方治理以及教育治理的特色,並涉及人民基本教育權利,為近期重要的地方治理個案。本文著重於地方治理中的課責議題。首先,本文以政策網絡理論分析個案的治理網絡,得出網絡中的參與者與互動情形;其次,再檢視治理網絡中層級課責、法律課責、專業課責、政治課責與社會課責等面向,以得出該地方治理網絡的課責環境,進而針對可改善之處提出建議。 研究發現,在我國行政官僚依法行政與層級節制的行政文化下,層級課責普遍受到公部門的認同與運作,然而其他方面的課責則尚待加強。本文提出三項具體的政策建議:第一,落實地方教育審議制度,加強教育政策的專業論政;第二,跨域合作需有法律正當性;第三,擴大公民參與途徑,運用公民會議等審議式民主制度。期盼透過專業審議、法律規範以及公民社會的力量,強化治理網絡中的課責部分,使地方治理達到民主治理與良善治理的境地。


“Local Government Act” and “Educational Fundamental Act” had been sign in 1999, widen the discretion and power of the mayors and their city-hall cabinets on local education affairs. Ideally, with these powers, local governments could design their own educational policies much more fitted in local features. The textbook co-selection polity on Taipei City, Taipei County and Keelung County is a across-boundary governance case, and it also is a local education governance case. In this local policy governance case, it involved in the rights of people’s education rights issues, such as the right of the parents school-chosen and the autonomy of the teaching. The theme of this mater thesis is the accountability issues about local governance, especially on the accountability environment matter. In this thesis, first of all, the policy network theory is the main analyzing tool used to find out what kind of networks it is. After finding out the feature of the network, the second thing to be done is inspecting the public accountability on hierarchal, law, professional, political and social accountability aspects. After the analysis and inspection, there are some policy suggestions about improving the weaknesses of the governance network. At the end of this thesis, there are three suggestions: the first, the local education review boards should be workable to enhance professional evaluation on local education decision-making. Secondly, the across-boundary cooperation should be authorized by the law and the local Assembly. Third, expanding citizen participation approaches by increasing the using of deliberative democracy.


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