  • 學位論文


Globalizing Tuna—A dynamic commodity chain analysis of changes of Taiwan’s frozen tuna sector

指導教授 : 夏鑄九


本研究主要從1950年至2000年後冷凍鮪魚商品鏈的動態發展,以行動者網絡理論(actor network theory)的秩序模式(mode of ordering)探討地方行動者如何參與建構商品鏈,理解農業食物系統(agro-food system)重構、全球化現象背後食物鏈中不同行動者如何組織自然、社會、經濟與文化不同面向的異質元素,形成商品鏈變化的關係結果。在農業食物領域的重構與全球化的衝擊下,農業課題在經濟地理的理論發展衍生不同的詮釋。受到經濟地理文化轉(cultural turn)的影響,文化、自然與社會關係在農業與食物系統被再發現,更關注食物系統生產至消費的文化社會鑲嵌特性及行動者的動態力量。在冷凍鮪魚商品鏈轉向全球外包的過程,在生產端或貿易、消費端位置的行動者以不同方式減低自然的不確定性,台灣行動者有效地組織勞動力、技術與生產網絡達成低成本與快速成長的實踐,影響商品鏈的發展,2000年後資源組織與日本對台灣的管制措施使得部分成本實踐的工具意義轉變,台灣業者與管制組織在逃避與管制之間不斷對抗、協調,面對日本單一消費市場的萎縮也試圖轉型與開拓新市場,台灣行動者網絡的穩定空間與協商空間的交融,由秩序模式變遷可見不同行動網絡互動如何建構商品鏈的動態發展。


The research probes into how local actors participate in and construct the commodity chain from the dynamic development of global frozen tuna commodity chain from the year 1950 to 2000. Applying the concept of ‘mode of ordering’ in Actor Network Theory, I try to comprehend how different actors organize natural, social, economic and cultural heterogeneous elements, shaping the relational effect of the change of global commodity chain. Under the restructuring and globalization of agro-food system, the agricultural issue derives different interpretations in the field of economic geography. Affected by ‘cultural turn’ in economic geography, culture, nature and social relations are rediscovered, so that more researchers concern the cultural, social embeddedness and dynamic forces of actors in the agro-food study. When the global frozen tuna commodity chain turned to global outsourcing, actors in Taiwan effectively apply practices of low cost and fast development to change the commodity chain. After the year 2000, under the pressure of decreasing resources, because the tuna resource regulation organizations and Japan enforce the regulation measures, Taiwan actors try to evade regulations and to transform into vertically integrated corporations. The turn from ‘space of prescription’ to ‘space of negotiation’ of the mode of ordering revels how the different actor networks mutually construct the dynamic change of commodity chain.


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