  • 學位論文

陶容器製作技術風格分析— 台南科學園區北三舍遺址研究為例

Ceramics from Peisanshe site, Tainan Science-based Industrial Park: Analysis of Vessel Forming Technological Style

指導教授 : 黃士強
共同指導教授 : 臧振華


陶容器製作技術風格分析— 台南科學園區北三舍遺址研究為例 摘 要 近年來,台南科學工業園區(以下簡稱「南科」)內多次的搶救考古工作,已發現或發掘了許多考古遺址,出土考古遺物相當豐富。在南科的考古遺址中,屬於大湖文化烏山頭期 (約2,800-2,000 B.P.)者為數最多,其特色普遍使用灰黑色陶器;本文所研究的北三舍遺址即其中之一。 台灣西南地區的史前文化年代學,將出土灰黑陶之遺址皆劃分為新石期時代晚期的大湖文化。不過從烏山頭遺址出土陶器的形制和風格來看,與主要分佈在高雄地區的大湖文化雖被歸類為同一個考古文化的範疇,但兩者之間仍有明顯的差異。最近南科右先方南二遺址出土上下文化層的地層證據與遺物初步比較的結果顯示,大湖文化可區分為距今約3,300~2,800的大湖期與距今約2,800~2,000的烏山頭期,且兩者之間存在著傳承的關係。此外,在烏山頭期遺址之間,出土陶容器雖然皆以灰黑陶為主,但在容器形式與質地方面有明顯的不同,其他伴隨的文化現象,如墓葬行為亦呈現出顯著的差異。這是時間或是社群不同所造成的結果?尚需進一步研究。 近年,研究者透過民族誌的觀察發現,製作陶器的技術選擇及其技術風格,可以反映不同的文化或社會的邊界。因此,考古學家藉由出土陶器屬性的深入分析,瞭解其製作程序和製作技術的選擇,以進一步探討文化/社會邊界等議題。 本研究主要是利用陶片各種屬性分析,包括陶器的形制和裝飾風格、陶器質地和摻和料,及陶器的功能等,來探討北三舍遺址出土陶容器的製作技術風格,及其在認知與分類上的意義。筆者相信,烏山頭期確實是源於大湖文化的繼續發展,而本研究的分析結果也顯示,北三舍遺址出土的各式陶容器與各種製作技術間有其特別的相關性,並可進一步推測當時可能已有專業的陶工。筆者認為烏山頭期不同社會群體之差異,在陶容器製作方面,以創新的容器形式及不同的製作理念與認知,作為主動劃分與其他社群的差異。因此,筆者認為南科園區內出土烏山頭期的遺址在陶容器形式與其他文化表現上的不同,可能係反映了當時所形成的不同社會群體,而非時間差異所造成的結果。 關鍵字:大湖文化、陶器分析、技術風格、技術選擇、社會邊界


Ceramics from Peisanshe site, Tainan Science-based Industrial Park: Analysis of Vessel Forming Technological Style Abstract Salvage archaeology in the Tainan Science-based Industrial Park has uncovered abundant prehistoric sites for the past few years, especially the sites belonging to the Wusantou Phase of the Tahu Culture. This thesis is devoted to ceramic materials excavated from one of these blackware sites, the Peisanshe site, which also belongs to the Wusantou Phase of the Tahu culture. In the past, most archaeologists classified sites with blackware as typical late Neolithic sites of the Tahu Culture found only in southwestern part of Taiwan. However, based on the vessel forms and pottery styles, pottery remains from Wusantou site exhibits obvious differences from those of the Tahu culture of Gaoxiong (Kaohsiung)area. The results generated from studying the stratigraphy and the ceramics of the Yousianfang south II site demonstrate that the Tahu culture can be further divided into two phases: the Tahu (3,300-2,800B.P.) and the Wusantou Phase (2,800-2,000B.P.), as the latter clearly developed out of the former. Even though the black ware can be found in various sites of the Wusantou Phase, there are lots of differences among these sites, such as vessel forms, pottery pastes, burial customs and etc. Whether these differences should be interpreted as temporal or social variations is still under debate. Recently, ethnographic studies have proposed that social/cultural boundaries can also be observed from technical choices of how to “properly” produce a ceramic vessel in a given social/cultural setting. Archaeologists have also attempted to explore these potters’ choices during the manufacturing sequence in order to understand the transition of different pottery-making traditions. Moreover, archaeologists want to discuss issues related to the social/cultural identity and boundaries through the study of these technical choices. This thesis aims to understand technical choices and classifications made by local potters during the pottery-making processes through attribute analysis, compositional analysis, and physical property and vessel functions. The result shows that certain technologies are employed to make particular vessel forms. I further argue that the production of ceramic vessels at this site was performed by professional potters specialized in making different vessel forms. Moreover, after comparing the ceramic vessel forms and textures collected from various sites belonging to both the Tahu and Wusantou Phase, I believe that pottery-making techniques of the Wusantou Phase were directly developed out of the previous Tahu Phase. However, during the Wusantou Phase, potters intentionally invented new vessel forms and technologies in order to mark the social differences. It can be observed not only in the ceramic technologies employed, but also in other cultural behaviors such as burial customs and settlement patterns that separate them from other group of people of the same period. Therefore, I propose that differences observed in terms of ceramic technologies and other cultural behaviors from various sites of the Wusantou Phase in the Tainan Science-based Industrial Park may reflect different behaviors of various contemporary social groups, instead of a result of temporal difference. Keywords: Tahu culture, ceramic analysis, technological style, technical choice, social boundary


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