  • 學位論文


Tashiro Yasusada: Natural History, Fieldwork and Colonial Development

指導教授 : 吳密察


本論文以日本博物學家田代安定(Tashiro Antei, 或Tashiro Yasusada,1856-1928)為個案,透過探討其一生的各個階段的行動,包含了田野科學、知識社群、技術官僚、產業發展構想等,建構從十九世紀末到二十世紀初的歷史脈絡中,交織著全球史與複數地域史、多領域學科知識、知識生產與實踐的社會史。 田代安定的一生,在不斷擴大的田野中,發展其學思與經歷,從鹿兒島到東京,從日本本土到琉球,再到太平洋,之後隨著帝國的擴張,來到臺灣。對於知識的探索,也從純粹的對植物學的好奇與求知,逐漸關注應用博物學。在這個過程中,明治維新後國內在不同時期的環境與制度,以及外在的國際關係演變,提供了田代不斷跨越既有領域、擴展田野的機會,然而同時也因為國內外的制度因素,使得1880年代田代發展出來的以八重山群島,作為國家邊界的熱帶島嶼發展構想,遭遇到了挫折。隨著1895年日本領有臺灣,臺灣成為田代安定前半生累積的知識與經驗的實踐場域。田代對於「熱帶」的想像,從知識到實踐的展開,一路向南。來到臺灣之後,除了進行各地的田野調查外,主持熱帶植物園,從事應用植物學與熱帶產業發展工作,並開始出版臺灣調查的各種專著。一生的經歷,其田野旅行與博物學研究與發展,可以說是隨著日本帝國的擴大而展開。 在田代安定的經歷,我們看到隨帝國擴張而展開的博物學田野,對於自然的探索,也從純粹的學術興趣逐漸轉而關注博物學的應用,從中尋找產業發展的資源。帝國的擴張與自然資源的國境化,並且再現在知識生產中。隨著帝國之間因擴張而來的地緣政治的危機感,除了加強了將自然的國境化的知識生產旨趣外,也轉化其應用博物學為殖民地發展論。


This doctoral dissertation investigates the career trajectory of naturalist Tashiro Yasusada (1856-1928) and analyzes his fieldwork science, knowledge networks, professional career as a technocrat as well as his idea of industrial development. Drawing on “Tashiro Yasusada Archives” preserved in the National Taiwan University Library, this dissertation constructs the social history of the intersection of global and multi-regional history, multidisciplinary knowledge, knowledge production and its practices under the historical contexts of the end of the nineteen century and the beginning of the twentieth century. Tashiro Yasusada had expanded his knowledge and experiences through the fieldwork from Kagoshima to Tokyo, and from mainland Japan, Okinawa to the Pacific Ocean. He came to Taiwan as a result of the imperial expansion of Japan. His quest for knowledge had changed from botany to applied natural history. Over these decades, domestic institutions as well as changes of international relationship had provided Tashiro with many opportunities of expanding fieldwork. Nonetheless, it was this domestic and international environment that frustrated his efforts of building tropical islands as the nation’s boundaries. Tashiro then found Taiwan be the place where he could practice his knowledge accumulated through his life with the Japanese seizure of power in Taiwan in 1895. Tashiro unfolded his idea about the tropical world when he travelled from Japan to Taiwan. He embarked on field research and curated the tropical botanical garden to develop applied botany as well as tropical industry. He also published manuscripts on his Taiwan research. His life experiences of fieldwork and botanical research accumulated with the expansion of the Imperial Japan. By examining the experiences of Tashiro, we find his botanical fieldwork and nature knowledge had changed from academic interests to applications. The expansion of the Imperial Japan and the acquisition of natural resources represented his production of knowledge. Although the Empire had expanded, Tashiro felt a sense of crisis that it was necessary to domestication of those natural resources and transform applied botany to theories of colonial development.


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