  • 學位論文

資訊自由與資訊公開 -兼論我國資訊公開法制之建構與實踐

Freedom of Information and Disclosure of Information -Extended Study on Construction and Practice of Freedom of Information Law in Taiwan

指導教授 : 蔡宗珍


當代民主憲政國家中,人民為政府主權的真正擁有者,因此當有知悉政府作為、及監督政府施政的權利,而這一切的前提都有賴資訊的獲取或公開,是以透過國民主權原則、民主國原則、法治國原則等原則,可找出人民向政府請求政府資訊公開或取得與享有相關權利的法理基礎。 在人民向政府請求政府資訊公開或取得與享有的相關權利在世界各地廣受承認的今天,各種落實相關政府資訊公開相關權利的法制建構越趨普及,亦可見此權利之重要性,我國政府資訊公開的相關法規範雖已行之有年,惟成效卻不彰,如何能確實的保障人民向政府請求資訊公開或揭露的權利即成課題。 本文將論述重心至於在我國憲法上如何保障這個人民向政府請求政府資訊公開或取得與享有的權利,及落實這個權利之具體法制建構開展與實踐問題,從其理論基礎、憲法依據、具體內涵到其界限,進而討論這個憲法上權利展現在法制上的風貌、產生的問題及限制。期透過通盤檢視我國資訊公開法制的法理基礎及法制建構,使人民向政府請求提供與享有資訊權利(無論是憲法上或是法律上)內涵被真正的確認,及確保政府資訊的確實揭露與透明。


In modern democratic countries, the people are the true owners of the government’s sovereignty. Hence, the people have the right to know everything about government behaviors and supervise government policies, but it all depends on the people getting enough information. Today, it is worldwide recognized that people have the right to request disclosure of government information, and accompanied with that relevant laws (ex. Freedom of Information Law) are built. Taiwan has enacted Freedom of Government Information Law and other related laws for many years, but the achievement is not remarkable, so how to ensure the right to request disclosure of government information has become a big issue. To solve the above-mentioned issue, this thesis focuses on how to ensure the right to request disclosure of government information under Taiwan constitution’s conception, and research the problems of specific legal and practical construction of this right. For researching this issue, discussing from theoretical basis、constitutional fundamentals、the specific content to its limits is necessary. Hoping through a holistic examination of our constitutional basis and legal system construction of disclosure government’s information laws, the right for people to request disclosure of government information and the open government idea can be practiced indeed.


5、最高行政法院96 判字第329 號判決。
湯德宗(2006),政府資訊公開法比較評析,台大法學論叢,第35 卷第6 期,頁


