  • 學位論文


The choice of lifestyle for voluntary farmers and the emergence of a pastoral community

指導教授 : 劉可強


在現代人對田園生活眾多的想像與實踐樣貌中,本論文的研究焦點放在「主動選擇農耕生活的現代農人現象」。從「如何生活」的角度,重新檢視這樣一群主動選擇務農的現代農民,在?虷足務邿A業勞動者的過程中,自我實踐的想像與真實,如何能夠維持自我的生活;並進一步釐清這股務農潮流底下蘊含的思維理路,以及藉由務農行動所連結起的社會網絡關係和結構向度,在現代生活中是否具有特殊的意義。 資料蒐集採用質性研究的方法,主要針對志願務農者和週邊消費者進行深入訪談,同時在有機農業的活動課程進行參與觀察,以及本文分析來進行。從研究觀察中發現,務農對他們而言不只是一個新的工作,更是一種生活方式的選擇,透過在自然界中的身體勞動,找回人與自然、與食物、與自我的連結。他們對都會消費力與資本邏輯的依賴,召喚出都市工作者的綠色鄉愁,形成認同的消費社群。而媒體渲染和消費者的親身參與和口耳相傳,更逐漸形塑成一種務農生活的風格,成為一種田園生活的嚮往。其中不斷被強化的「自己種」論述,不僅是透過身體勞動參與生產的過程,獲得不同於日常生活消費領域僅能展現選擇權的DIY創造樂趣,而對於生產過程的掌握,更是規避當前四處流竄的飲食風險謠言的一種小眾式的抵抗策略,不僅是對國家有機農作檢測機制的不信任回應,同時也是收回飲食自主權的表現。 藉由與都市連結的產/消共同體機制,讓務農由個人的生活方式選擇擴展為集體性的生活風格,結合成一種具有高度流動性與不確定性、以務農為核心的田園生活風格社群。且無論務農活動被安置在生活中哪一個角落,是屬於生產的或休閒消費的位置,都是個體在實踐「如何過、如何活出自己想要的生活」。因此,這種主動選擇農田生活的現代農人,以及農業產/消合作與認同社群的形成,或可視為回應當代台灣風險社會與消費社會,針對糧食安全與生活方式的一種生活政治(life politics)實踐。


Many contemporaries are tired of their city jobs and dream of getting back to the land. This thesis focuses on the voluntary farmers and their life choice in this tendency. In the view of “how to live”, I try to answer these questions: 1.Why these people choose to be farmers. 2. In what way they can farm for a living and survive from the competitive farm produce market. 3. What kind of social effects is brought out by the farming action of the voluntary farmers, and how it connects the relation of the voluntary farmers and their consumers in modern life. This study is proceeding by qualitative approach. There are depth interviews with ten voluntary farmers and three consumers. Participant observation in the course of sustainable agriculture and content analysis are also used. From this data the research finds that, for the voluntary farmers, farming is not only just a job, but also a choice of lifestyle. The autobiographical writing wrote by themselves arises city people’s nostalgia, and attracts those who identify with the same ideology or long for the pastoral life to become their consumers. The narration of mass media and the participant experience of the consumers also pastoralize this kind of lifestyle and help to spread it out. By the model of agriculture cooperation of voluntary farmers and their consumers, they share the risk of production. It helps the voluntary farmers earn living easier, and their consumers can obtain an identity of being a farmer from farming experience. In this way, the choice of lifestyle for voluntary farmers becomes a massed lifestyle, and accelerates the emergence of a flowed pastoral community. Each member in it creates and shares the same emotion and experience. Besides, they also harvest uncontaminated food to avoid pollution risk. The discourse of “grow it yourself” they stress means not only finding back the initiative of their life and the independence of food production in this consumer society, but also an approach for the minority to against the risk of food pollution. Therefore, the agriculture cooperation and the pastoral community can be viewed as a respond of life politics to the risk society and the consumer society of the day.


王俊豪(2006)〈當有機遇見休閒的創意商機—Schweitzer Bio-Hotel個案分析〉。《國際農業科技新知》30,3-7。


