  • 學位論文


Applying Collaborative AR Systems to Promote Interior Design Communication

指導教授 : 陳柏翰


隨著現代社會的不斷發展與經濟水平的不斷進步,人們的生活水平在不斷提高,對於生活品質的需求也變得越來越高,居住環境和住宅裝修就是其中一大方面,這也帶動了室內設計行業發展。台灣的室內設計行業,最早成立於1970年代,迄今已有近50年。傳統室內裝修設計面臨產業鏈過長,資訊不透明等問題,引發裝修糾紛,產業面臨挑戰。同時,現行的設計方案呈現模式大多為2D圖紙與3D模型,少部分以動畫方式呈現,在一定程度上,無法完全展現設計細節,業主也無法切身體驗設計方案的獨到之處,設計師與業主也會因為專業性的差異產生溝通落差,嚴重者甚至導致糾紛產生。 另一方面,近幾年擴增實境(Augmented Reality,AR)發展十分迅速,應用也非常廣泛,特別在軍事、醫藥、娛樂、製造和維護方面,AR已經能扮演一個較為成熟的角色。若能將設計方案的呈現方式做一個改進,必定能促進室內設計的發展。 因此,本研究預期將AR技術應用到室內設計中,構建AR的協同共享環境,進行多台AR設備之間的連結,利用AR可視化的優勢,來促進業主與設計師之間的溝通,提升二者的互動性,使業主更了解設計方案的精髓,進而減少裝修糾紛,降低裝修成本。


With the rapid development of human society, the demands of life quality are getting higher, especially in the living condition. This leads to the development of interior design. Nowadays, interior design is facing many problem, disputes between owners and designers are recurrent. At the same time, the ways to show the design now are basically almost using 2D drawings and 3D models, few using animation to simulate the design. It is hard to show all the details in a way and owners can’t feel the quintessence of the design either. There exist communication problems between owners and designers because designers are more professional than owners. On the other hand, AR, what we called augmented reality, develops rapidly in recent years. AR is now widely applied, especially in military, medicine, entertainment, manufacture and maintenance. In this research, AR will be applied to interior design and collaborative system will be developed. This system helps to connect multiple AR devices, using the advantages of AR to import communication between owners and designers. So that owners can feel the quintessence of the design and then reduce the disputes during interior design and decoration. To be more important, it helps to decrease the decoration cost.


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