  • 學位論文


The Critical Factors and Mechanisms Determining the Spatial Differences of Agricultural Development – A Case Study of Taiwan Carrot Industry

指導教授 : 陳良治


本文以台灣自1970 年代以來,胡蘿蔔生產面積在彰化、雲林、台南的變化為例,探討政治經濟學取向的農業地理學問題:農業為何會發生地理差異?本文採用「全球價值鏈」的概念,檢視胡蘿蔔產業鏈中的加值環節,佐以全球、區域與地方三個不同的尺度,分析國際法規、市場力量與對供應鏈的治理方式,如何影響台灣胡蘿蔔產業在地理空間上的發展。 本文最後以「契作制度」作為農業地理發展差異的主要解釋變因。因為契作制度在不同地區有不一樣的發展樣貌,造成不同區域在胡蘿蔔的品質差異,而採取新的、較能控制品質的契作制度,能讓契作商在國內/外的競爭中取得優勢,進而導致胡蘿蔔生產區域的轉移。不過,新契作制度的生成有賴其歷史軌跡與政策影響,本文則以胡蘿蔔契作商與胡蘿蔔種苗商的合作過程為例,說明新的制度誕生並非理所當然。 在理論層次上,台灣胡蘿蔔的價值鏈分析,可以補充國內農業地理研究多聚焦於土地利用、空間區位、農民行為及地方農特產產銷的經驗案例;而在西方的契作制度文獻中,多以非洲南部、東南亞地區為研究對象,強調跨國企業對組織農民的貢獻,本研究則以台灣的經驗案例,凸顯在地廠商的角色。


The purpose of this research is to discuss the geographic differences in agricultural development from the perspective of political economy. By studying the evolution of carrot planted areas in Changhua, Yunlin, and Tainan since the 1970s, this study adopts the concept of Global Value Chain to examine Taiwan’s carrot industry and analyze how international regulations, market forces and the governance of the supply chain influenced the geographical development of Taiwan carrot industry in different scales. The research results suggest that the key factor determining the geographical shifts of Taiwan’s carrot industry is the development of contract farming systems in different agriculture regions. Carrots from the region adopting new, quality-oriented systems are more competitive in domestic and foreign market, which leads to the shifting of main carrot planted area. In addition, by using the interaction between farmer groups and seed suppliers as the example, this research also points out the influences of historical and policy factors on the development of regional contract farming systems. Through analyzing the value chains of local carrot industry, this research supplements the studies on Taiwan’s agricultural industry which mostly focus on the issues of land use, location, farmer behaviors, and the promotion of agricultural products. As opposed to existing western literature on contract farming systems that have mostly been based on the studies of agricultural regions in Southern Africa or Southeast Asia, and emphasize the dominant role of transnational corporations, this research focus on the importance of local corporations in Taiwan.


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