  • 學位論文


The Relationship between Greenway’s Function and Users’ Satisfaction

指導教授 : 林晏州




The purposes of this study were to examine the performances of Taichung greenway functions and to explore the relationship between users’ satisfaction and greenway’s function performance. Nine representative sections of Taichung greenway were selected as study areas. The users of these greenways were asked to evaluate the performance of greenway’s functions and their satisfaction for the greenway. The results in this study are following. The first, different investigatory section will effect the evaluation of the greenway’s function. The second, the evaluation of greenway’s function and users’ satisfaction has a direct ratio. The third, what effect users’ satisfaction are user’s evaluations from the different investigatory section, user’s age and user’s occupation. The fourth, the frequency of visit will effect the evaluation of greenway’s function. At last, it is found that some important functions that affect users’ satisfaction toward greenway are: to make landscape more beautiful, to provide space for social interaction, to provide opportunity for leisure activities, to bring business for neighborhood, to provide habitat for animal species, and to improve air quality.


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