  • 學位論文


Partner Selection Strategies in International Construction Joint Ventures: Case studies of Vietnamese Projects

指導教授 : 荷世平




Selection of a suitable partner is one of the most important factors for success of international joint ventures (IJVs). It has been a topic of many researchers over last few decades because of their importance in strategy making in global competition. In this study, literature review and case study are used as the research method. The contextual variables of partner selection and the type of partner fit are presented in the previous studies. After that, five case studies are conducted to highlight and examine the JV partner selection. The motivation of IJVs formation, the JVs performances, and the partner selection are examined through expert interviews. The results point out significance of strategic, organizational, and relational fit in partner selection. Findings of this study suggest that strategic fit is precondition for partner selection for both of local and foreign firms. In addition, organizational fit and relational fit are expected to achieve greater IJV success.


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