  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 李吉仁


台灣發展商業應用軟體超過四十年的歷史,政府自1993年起以工業局軟體五年工作小組推動2020計畫,希望能夠於2000年輔導20家軟體公司上市櫃,而目標也順利達成。然而,軟體公司上櫃後因投資大眾之期待及業績壓力,使得原本已不夠大且成長趨緩的台灣內需市場,受到強力之擠壓,在粥少僧多的情形下,軟體業遭逢前所未有的嚴苛挑戰。 相對於硬體產業的蓬勃發展,台灣現階段的軟體產業結構與規模,顯然不如政府當初界定為策略性工業時的預期。根據資策會對台灣軟體產業各區隔市場規模的統計資料,預估2005年產值可以達1600億台幣,相對於同時期資訊工業總產值,軟體約只佔一成的比重,與全球的軟硬體二比一的結構迥異。 本研究主要內容在透由分析軟體產業的價值活動及價值網的關係,瞭解網際網路環境下電子商務之發展、以及對商業應用軟體業者之影響,並藉由分析全球與我國主要商用軟體業者的發展策略與動向,思考台灣商業應用軟體業者的機會與挑戰。 本研究認為未來台灣的商用軟體廠商必須採取「以客戶為中心的營運模式」來設計整個價值網,並且需以創造價值為導向的經營思考,充分運用各種軟體產業之新興營運模式,整合於此一客戶價值創造的營運模式。本研究評估此一創新經營模式的可行性,以提供國內軟體廠商擬訂經營策略的參考。


It has been over 40 years since the application software industry established in Taiwan. In 1993, Taiwan government delegated IDB (Industry Development Bureau) to undertake an initiative of 2020 plan, whose goals is to help to publicly list 20 software companies by 2000 in Taiwan. Although the goal was eventually achieved, the majority of these listed software companies failed to deliver a satisfactory scorecard. Compared with the booming development and global competitiveness of IT hardware industries, the development of software industry is far from policy expectation. According to the industry report, the projection of the total IT output in 2005 will be up to NT$160 billion, but the software industry only accounts for 10% of the market. Overall, the relative weight between IT hardware and software in Taiwan is almost reverse of the global 2-to-1 structure. The purpose of this research is to focus on a specific sector of the software industry, the application software industry. Specifically, we analyze how software companies design their value-adding activities and structure their value nets, trying to generalize how internet influences the development of the e-commerce and those companies. By doing so, we will be able to sugget business models to capture venturing opportunities for Taiwan’s software companies. This research concluded that application software companies must adopt “customer-centered approaches” to design their value net and create value-oriented business mindsets, effectively integrating all kinds of innovative business models. Thus, software companies can take the best advantage of their individual core abilities and bring up feasible and innovative business models. Implications for practioners and policy makers in software industries are also discussed.


Detlev J. Hoch,2000, Secrets of Software Success – Management Insights from 100 Software Firms Around the World,張國鴻譯,數位式競爭¬-全球軟體公司的致勝策略,台北:天下文化。


陳利敏(2014)。防毒軟體雲端服務的商業模式創新 — T公司個案研究〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2014.00953
