  • 學位論文

兩岸都市防救災體系之治理比較: 以臺北市與北京市政府為例

The Cross-strait Urban Governance on Disaster Prevention and Rescuing System – A Comparative Study of Taipei and Beijing City

指導教授 : 趙永茂


科技文明不斷進步,使人類面對各項災害時,得以比過去擁有更多的籌碼度過危機;但不論為天然或人為所造成的災害,卻經常造成人類重大生命財產損失。因此現代政府無不追求提升國內防救災設備之水準,並企圖建立一套完善之系統,以充分運用各項資源而減輕災後損失、加快復原速度以提升國家競爭力。若能擁有完整規劃及運作良善的防救災系統,尤其能結合民間及社會,乃至政府相關單位救災體系與網絡,不但能減少人民與社會的生命財產損失、提升城市競爭力,更可增強人民對政府的信賴,以確保執政地位。 本論文之研究對象:臺北市與北京市均具備政經中心之地位,並以擠身國際級都市為己任。文中以治理理論為核心,新公共管理等行政學理論為輔,佐以所收集之文獻、官方資料及個案,並援引美、日先進國家現行制度之相關資料,就兩市之都市防救災體系進行結構面與實務面之分析探討與比較,以了解兩岸政府推動現代化城市治理之成效。同時觀察兩市防救災體系各自的特色及有待精進之處,進而提供革新之具體建議。此外,也就實際運作情形印證原先設計是否符合理論之預期,使理論與實務得以相互結合,相互印證並補充其不足。 本研究發現:臺北市與北京市所建立之防救災體系,實際運作上仍有諸多有待加強改善之處。兩市體系各有所長,臺北市之優勢在於私部門與第三部門參與程度較高;北京市則擁有強大之社會動員力與施政效率。若兩岸城市政府於學習國外經驗之餘,同時加強相互之交流與合作,如此將可更能促進兩岸城市政府提升治理之能力。


When human being facing disasters, techniques can help us pass the crisis. But no matter for natural or artificial disasters also causes the humanity significant life and property losses. Therefore the modern government pursues the promotion of the standard of emergency management, and attempts to establish systems which will speeds up the restoration and to promote the national competitive power. If we have a comprehensive and well-planning emergency management system, in particular to integrate the government and civil society, it will not only reduce life and property losses of the people, but it may well enhance the people's trust in the government. In this research, I try to use the theory of governance, holistic governance, and other administrative theories. With a mixture of collected literature, official information and cases, citing the advanced countries like United States and Japan. It will help us to understand that whether Taipei and Beijing city governments both promote their effectiveness of urban governance. After observing these two cities’ emergency management system, I try to provide some reform proposals. Then, we would know how to complement their shortcomings. The emergency management systems in Taipei and Beijing, their actual operation are still a lot to be done to improve them. However, Taipei's advantage lies in the higher degree of private sector and the third sector participate in the system; but Beijing has a strong social mobilization capacity and the efficiency of administration. If these two city governments strengthen their mutual cooperation, it will help them to upgrade their governance capability.




