  • 學位論文


An Investigation on Curriculum Articulation of Map concepts and Skills between Junior High School and Senior High School

指導教授 : 賴進貴


本研究旨在探究國、高中地圖知能能力銜接之現況,目的在於了解目前國中社會領域地理課程與高中地理課程,彼此之間在地圖知能部分的銜接現況、問題、因應策略,同時探究課程間所涵蓋之主要概念與學生先備知能是否能夠有效的銜接。為了有效且深入了解實際現況及問題核心,決定採以內容分析法與深入訪談法為主要研究方法,藉以真正了解國、高中在地圖知能課程銜接的現況。本研究的結論: (一)、教材內容的銜接現況:地圖知識架構脈絡上大致相符;內容的編寫乃由易而難、由淺入深;地圖投影與地理資訊系統缺乏先備知識恐怕影響銜接。 (二)、教學現場的銜接現況:國、高中教材內容落差明顯,難度與份量難以切合,且教材內容拿捏程度因人而異;教師對於課程銜接認知度與落實度明顯不足,同時在地圖專業知能上亦有待加強;班級內學生程度落差大,且學生先備知能明顯落後,於時區、比例尺、等高線概念上有學習上的困難。目前多數教師透過自我檢視作為銜接方式,然少部分教師利用Google媒體於教學上,其成效與限制則有待進一步研究。 根據本研究結果,對教育行政機構、學校單位、教師及未來後續研究,提出建議。


This research is to investigate the curriculum articulation of map concepts and skills between junior high schools and senior high schools. The main purpose is to investigate the situations, problems and strategies of curriculum articulation between the geography content within social studies in junior high schools and senior high schools. At the same time, the research tries to explore whether the prior knowledge or the content can be connected effectively or not. In order to comprehend the current condition and the core of the problems effectively, content analysis and in-depth interview are the two main approaches adopted. The major contents of curriculum articulation are textbook contents, and teaching scenes. According to the results of the content analysis and in-depth interview, the conclusions of this research are as follows: 1. The present articulation of the textbook contents: The constructions of these two stages are approximately consistent. The compilation of the content is from broad to specific, from easy to complicated. The lack of the prior knowledge in map projection and GIS may influence the articulation. 2. The present articulation of the teaching scene: The gap of the textbook contents between junior high school and senior high school is so obvious that the difficulty and the quantity are too hard to fit in between. The level of teaching materials is full of intricacy. Teachers lack the concepts of implementation and adaption and they lack professional knowledge in projection and GIS. There are huge gaps between the students in the same class, especially in drawing and analyzing maps. At the same time, students in junior high schools and senior high schools have difficulties in the concepts of time zones, scales, contour lines. At present, most teachers examine themselves to connect the teaching materials. Some teachers use Google Media in teaching; the effectiveness and limitations would can be further studied. Suggestions to improve the problems of curriculum articulation between junior high schools and senior high schools in the future are also included.




