  • 學位論文


Maintenance Cost of Elevated Expressway-A Case Study of Jianguo Expressway and Xinsheng Expressway in Taipei City

指導教授 : 郭斯傑


橋梁於生命週期規劃設計與營造階段,往往著重在機能、成本、進度、品質等議題面向,而忽略後續營運維護階段中維護經濟性之規劃或管理,導致可觀之營運維護成本陸續產生。國內橋齡逐漸老化,伴隨而來的是的龐大的維護修繕成本,而政府財政日漸拮据,管理單位對橋梁之維護規劃難度也日益升高,短絀的預算加上對橋梁全生命週期成本管理的錯誤觀念,已直接導致國內橋梁加速劣化,現存橋梁維護成本的妥善利用已成為目前橋梁管理單位研究的重大課題之一。 臺灣因地形關係,大部分陸上交通需仰賴橋梁做為連結各區域之交通聯繫,對於少數偏遠之鄉、鎮及部落而言,僅能靠橋梁維持對外交通之聯結,因此橋梁成為經濟發展不可或缺的重要公共建設;建造於市區內的高架快速道路橋梁,則提供車輛迅速到達目的地的功能,使都市交通得以順暢,減輕都市化造成之交通負荷量;然而,橋梁容易因地震、豪雨等天災侵襲,以及車輛超載等外部因素導致橋梁損壞,可能釀成用路人傷亡及交通中斷等災害;因此本研究以臺北市「建國高架橋」與「新生高架橋」為研究對象,蒐集彙整民國85至99年維護修繕成本資料進行研究,探討高架快速道路橋梁各構件於維護修繕支出比例與內容,並歸納出橋梁維護作業上之關鍵維護項目,評估後提出相關研擬對策,提供橋梁管理機關在有限的維修經費狀況下執行預算編列及維護管理規劃之參考。


During bridges life-cycle design and construction stage, emphasis are often on function, cost, schedule, and quality, but this ignores plan or management of protecting economy in the stage of following operation and maintenance, and this leads to successive production of considerable cost of operation and maintenance. Bridge ages in Taiwan gradually become old, what follows is huge amount of maintenance cost. However, government finance becomes tight, difficulty in maintenance and design of bridges by management unit raises day by day. Short budget plus wrong concept of bridge life-cycle cost management have directly caused bridges in Taiwan accelerate deterioration. Well use of current bridge maintenance cost has become one of the major topics of bridge management unit researches. Most of the on-land traffics in Taiwan need to depend on bridges to connect various local areas due to the terrain. For few far counties, towns and tribes, they can only depend on bridges supporting communication with outside traffics. Therefore, bridges become indispensable important public construction; the elevated expressway bridges built inside cities provide vehicles with the function of arriving destination rapidly, this makes city traffic unhindered, reducing the traffic load caused by urbanization; however, bridges easily get damaged by earthquakes, torrential rains and other natural disasters, and by overload of vehicles and other external factors, and this could cause passer-by casualties, traffic interruption and other disasters; hence this research use Taipei “Jianguo Expressway” and “Xinsheng Expressway” as research objects, collecting maintenance cost between year 85 to year 99 to research. Investigating elevated expressway bridges each component’s ratio and content in maintenance cost, and induces key maintenance items on bridges maintenance operations, propose related plan after evaluation, provide bridges management department with executing budget plan under limited maintenance fee, and with reference of maintenance management plan.


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