  • 學位論文


Market Analysis for the Industry of Hsinchu Rice Noodles

指導教授 : 陳郁蕙


在台灣新竹米粉是餐桌上常見的一道佳餚,也是台灣人日常生活中不可或缺的食材。因為新竹九降風有利於吹乾又濕又粗的水粉,所以早期就聞名全省。後來新竹業者開發出細的米粉,更是揚名海內外,爾後新竹米粉便是台灣米粉的代名詞。1970 年代引進玉米澱粉之後,對米粉產業造成巨大的影響與改變。由於玉米澱粉之進貨成本僅有在來米的 20%~30%,又可以省下繁瑣複雜的前幾道生產流程與擴大產量,導致業者把產品的原料紛紛改以玉米澱粉取代。消費者亦不知道近 40 年來米粉產品的原料已經慢慢被玉米澱粉所取代。直到 2013 年爆發食品安全事件也就是俗稱的「假米粉」事件,對整個米粉產業帶來巨大的衝擊。食藥署緊急制定了新的米粉標示規範,米粉分為 2 種等級,依照含米量來區分「純米米粉」指含米量 100%、「調合米粉」指含米量 50-99%、其它部分指含米量 0-49%業者暫定名稱為「炊粉或水粉」。 本研究為了要找出哪些決策因素足以影響消費者採購米粉產品,因此採用品嘗體驗問卷調查的方式來做研究。 經上述研究調查的結果予以分析統計後發現消費者購買行為的參考因素,最在意的是有無添加食品添加物,其次為價格與含米量,藉由本研究的發現與結論可供純米米粉業者參考使用在生產需求與調整產品比重,朝向提升純米米粉附加價值的角度去調整策略。


新竹米粉 含米量 炊粉 純米米粉


Hsinchu Rice Noodles is a popular dish in Taiwan and it is also commonly used in daily life. Wind of September around Hsinchu area helps to dry the thick and moist preliminary Rice Noodles and therefore Hsinchu Rice Noodles became famous long time ago. Hsinchu Rice Noodles become internationally recognized after manufactures developed thin Rice Noodles. In recent era, most people think ‘Hsinchu Rice Noodles’ when they think ‘Rice Noodles from Taiwan’. After corn starch was introduced in 1970s, the Rice Noodles industry was changed and effected greatly. Manufactures started to substitute rice with corn starch because corn starch is much cheaper than rice. By using corn starch, manufactures are also able to increase productivity and gain advantages from skipping few complicated production processes. During last 40 years, customers had no idea that gradually rice was replaced by corn starch as the main ingredient. In 2013, the so called ‘fake Rice Noodles’ incident brought a great impact to Rice Noodles industry. FDA in Taiwan established a new regulation for Rice Noodles and Rice Noodles can be divided into 3 grades according to the percentage of rice used. If it is made from 100% rice, it can be named ‘Pure Rice Noodles’. If it only contains 50-99% of rice, it can only be named ‘mixed Rice Noodles’. If it only contains 0-49% of rice, it should be named ‘steamed Rice Noodles.’ Actual tasting is conducted during the survey to assist to find factors which will effect customers when they purchase Rice Noodles. The result from the survey shows that customers care about if there are food additives the most than price and percentage of rice content. The result and conclusion of this research provide pure Rice Noodles manufactures a good reference adjusting its production and proportion of products, as well as adjusting its strategy based on increasing value added of pure Rice Noodles which has no food additives


