  • 學位論文


The Explanation and Application of Child and Youth Sexual Exploitation Prevention Act-from the Perspective of Sexual Self-Determination-

指導教授 : 王皇玉


本部論文主要係將《兒童及少年性剝削防制條例》(下稱兒少性剝削條例)之修正視為契機開啟討論,至於核心目的則係為強調出兒童及少年性自主決定權的重要性,並以此為出發點,在實質肯認此權利存在的前提下,解釋適用兒少性剝削條例。 在整體脈絡上,首先介紹兒少性剝削條例之立法沿革,包括該條例之前身《兒童及少年性交易防制條例》,其最初之立法背景、後續社會樣貌之變遷,以及更廣泛的國際發展趨勢等,綜合所有因素以至於演變成現行之法規面貌。在此部分的討論中,除了分別臚列出立法委員及行政院之意見外,同時從實務角度切入,具體說明在兒童及少年性相關領域中,經學者們發表其觀察,甚至是實地訪談兒童及少年本身,可發現人們對於兒童及少年性自主決定權之意識漸長,積極爭取權利行使的呼聲同樣有所提升。更甚者,就有關兒少性剝削條例之保護法益爭議問題,本文則統整學者見解並分別概述後,雖有認為此部法規中若干條文在解釋上應以社會法益,也就是性道德作為保護法益,方不至於在解釋上出現矛盾,然本文亦認為得以「兒童及少年之性自主決定權」作為主要標的,進行以下討論。因此,為貫徹此想法,本文有意深入探討兒童及少年之性自主決定權,進而在釐清細部概念後,正確適用我國法規。 為能精確理解何謂「兒童及少年之性自主決定權」,本文從拆解「自主決定權」之步驟開始,解釋自由意志之萌生,至促動自主決定做成,並從人性尊嚴之角度,肯認自主決定作為一種權利的本質。在此之後,則將論述重點集中於其中一種促成人做出自主決定的因素,亦即「慾望」,以及此一大項目中的「性慾」概念。順序上本文先考究若干學者,例如亞里斯多德、拉岡、佛洛伊德等,對於慾望乃至於性慾概念之主張,並從中汲取相關內容,作為支持本文所認為「性慾之中性本質」的看法。此目的是為了從源頭出發,進而表示性的自主決定權本身,同應排除外在道德色彩,並凸顯其中性性質,此理不僅止針對成年人,即便兒童及少年等未成年人亦有所適用。 進一步而言,將上述討論帶回兒少性剝削條例之解釋適用上,為避免因解釋不當導致濫用該條例之處罰規範,本文則特別將「剝削」概念提出,作為前提討論,後將之融入「性剝削」之定義中,經剖析其意涵,最終認為「性剝削」之概念,於解釋上應為「在遭受不公平、不公正待遇或資源分配結果之下,與個案兒童或少年進行法規列舉之性相關行為」。此外,既然本論文最初已將「兒童及少年性自主決定權」作為核心保護法益,在實務操作上,即著重於該權利是否確實遭到侵害,作為判斷行為人是否應受到相應裁罰之標準。具體而言,本文將兒少性剝削條例中之罰則規定,區分為「經個案兒童或少年合意」,及「未經合意」二類,而「未經合意」部分因明顯違背上述「公平、公正」之要求,自屬於「性剝削」之情形,當無疑義。至於「經合意」之情形,則以個案兒童及少年之「真摯合意」作為阻卻構成要件或阻卻違法之事由,進而認定行為人是否應受行政處罰,或成立犯罪。因此,是否達於「真摯合意」便成為判斷時之要點,認定上則應強調資訊及知識等認知地位的平等,凡若利用兒童及少年之經驗缺乏甚至無知,而致顯不符合個人期待之對價報酬者,則亦該當於「性剝削」之要件,屬於法所禁止之行為。 最後,本文有意提出對於「兒童及少年之性自主決定」的若干想法,認為「性」的概念在現今社會應有所解放,不論主體為成年人,抑或是未成年人,均不應過度非難未造成實質侵害的性的行為。此外,即便認同兒童及少年在「性」方面,考量生理、心理因素終究有別於成年人,固有保護之必要,然而,所謂的保護一旦逾越限度,便僅是枷鎖,非但不能達成原先的目的,或許反將造成預料之外的反效果,此亦是在相關法規或政策擬定時,不得不關注的一大要點。


Following the amendment of Child and Youth Sexual Exploitation Prevention Act in 2015, this study began a discussion that mainly emphasized the importance of the sexual self-determination rights of child and youth. Furthermore, this study tried to re-interpret the Child and Youth Sexual Exploitation Prevention Act with the intention of essentially confirming such rights exist. The study begins by introducing the background context, specifically the legislative history, including the former version of Child and Youth Sexual Exploitation Prevention Act (previously titled “Child and Youth Sexual Transaction Prevention Act” before the latest amendment). The introduction states that the current rules combine the very beginning of the legislative background, subsequent changes of the society, and the broader international development trajectory. In addition to the opinions of the legislators and the Control Yuan, observations from several scholars and field interviews of specific children and youths conducted by social workers also help to demonstrate that people have gradually become aware of the sexual self-determination rights of child and youth, and are calling for the active protection of their rights. Moreover, concerning the legal interests of Child and Youth Sexual Exploitation Prevention Act, after generalizing different statements made by scholars, some of whom argue that these legal interests should be sexual morality in order to avoid the conflicts between clauses when practically applying them to cases, however, viewing sexual self-determination as the main interest to protect may also be another solution. In order to clarify the concept of “Sexual Exploitation”, we must understand the meaning of sexual self-determination of child and youth. The discussion started from the interpretation of “self-determination.” The study suggests that self-determination is basically induced by free will, which should be a part of the human dignity. Human dignity is generally agreed to be protected by law, and self-determination should also be understood as a kind of natural right. The discussion then turned to focus on one of the factors that urge human to make self-determined acts, “desire.” (specifically, “sexual desire”). By examining statements made by philosophers and psychologists such as Aristotle, Jacques-Marie-Émile Lacan, and Sigmund Freud, the study posits the concept of “the neutrality of sexual desire.” The purpose of establishing “the neutrality of sexual desire” is to eliminate moral judgement from sexual self-determination, and outstand its natural characteristic from the beginning. Another point made was that this concept is applicable for both adults and minors. Returning to the discussion of the explanation and application of the Child and Youth Sexual Exploitation Prevention Act, while the word “Exploitation” (or “Sexual exploitation”) has been one of the main concept written in several penalty clauses, its definition may decisively alter the result of each case. Therefore, after interpreting the concept of exploitation, it can be generalized as “conducting specific sexual behaviors which are listed in Child and Youth Sexual Exploitation Prevention Act with child or youth under the circumstances of unfair or injustice treatments or uneven resources distribution.” In practice, when judging whether a person should be punished by this Act, besides all other required conditions, an actual invasion of the self-determination rights of a particular child or youth is also needed. And this is the reason why this study divided the penalty rules in Child and Youth Sexual Exploitation Prevention Act into two groups. One assumes consent from the child or youth prior to sexual behaviors, while the other does not. As mentioned earlier, a situation that violates principles of fairness and justice should be recognized as “sexual exploitation”. Therefore, any sexual behaviors with minors, regardless of whether consent was given, should be categorically banned. However, we make important differentiations based on the conditions under which minor consent was given. For example, if minor consent was given because the offending party took advantage of the minor’s inexperience, that should be categorized as a form of sexual exploitation that should be banned. In summary, self-determination rights are important for minors, just as they are for adults. Considering the relative physical and mental vulnerability of children and youth, extra protection should be afforded to avoid invasion of their self-determined rights. However, if the protection becomes excessive, it may lead to unwanted consequences, which are also crucial when planning to develop or amend regulations and policies.


