  • 學位論文



指導教授 : 周義華
共同指導教授 : 林繼國


為提升公路客運服務水準,扭轉目前公路客運運量衰退萎縮窘境,具有提高公路客運服務品質及降低系統成本等多重效益【1】的轉運中心作業(Transfer Center Operation),被視為改善方法之ㄧ。 過去國內各級政府一直倡導推動公路客運轉運中心之設置,但囿於政府財政資源有限,無法投入大量經費進行開發,而客運業者則因自身經營困難,少有財力自行興建設立,僅少部分業者因應經營所需,興建小規模的專用轉運站(如國光客運台中朝馬轉運站及統聯客運台中中港轉運站等)。 自有專用的轉運站不僅使用能量未能充分發揮,且固定成本無法均攤,故由業者自行設立專用轉運站的作法,是否符合乘客需求並兼顧社會成本原則,實在值得商榷。是以,為兼顧社會成本、符合乘客需求並提高公路客運系統轉運接駁效率,公用型轉運中心應為未來發展趨勢。 公用型公路客運轉運中心屬於大眾運輸系統一環。縱觀國內外關於大眾運輸系統服務水準評估之研究報告,未深入著墨於公用型大眾運輸轉運中心服務水準評估,若要衡量轉運中心服務水準,自有必要建立其獨特之服務水準評估指標。 本研究即是依公用型公路客運轉運中心之特性,將轉運中心服務水準評估指標分就乘客及客運業者兩類,透過文獻回顧及腦力激盪方式,以修正式德爾菲法專家系統,得到修正服務水準之評估指標。 至於轉運中心服務水準評估指標之權重決定,因其所涉層面並非單一層面、單一層級,故在評估指標權重評選上,為處理多層面、多層級問題,及消弭問卷調查語意中模糊性與資訊不明確性問題,本研究以模糊理論結合層級分析法求取各項評估指標之權重。 實例分析中,本研究係以國內目前已正式營運的台北市國道客運台北總站及台北縣板橋客運轉運站作為服務水準實證應用案例。以Chen and Hwang【2】五尺度語意模糊數轉換模糊理論,綜合評估指標權重,求得綜合指標績效值,探討兩站經營服務水準之差異。 關鍵詞:1.公用型轉運中心 2.修正式德爾菲法 3.模糊理論


Transfer Center Operation1 that can upgrade bus service quality on highway and lower system costs has been considered as one of the most effective improvements in regard to the raise of bus service level on highway as well as the solution for the declining bus transportation volume. Although all levels of governments have positively encouraged the set-up of bus transfer center from beginning to end, the governments could not plow lots of funds into developing transfer center due to the restrictions of financial resources. On the other hand, most of bus companies failed to set up transfer center because of difficulty in operation. On account of the practical need, only few bus companies built small-scale transfer depots for private use, such as: Chao Mar Transfer Depot at Taichung of Kuo Kuang Motor Transport Company Ltd. and Taichung Port Transfer Depot at Taichung of U Bus Co., Ltd. However, these private transfer depots can neither make full use of their capacity nor amortize their fixed costs; as a result, we doubt whether or not such private transfer depots can satisfy the practical need of passengers and cover the social costs. For the sake of social costs, practical need of passengers and transfer efficiency of transportation system, the public transfer center should become a tendency in the future. The public transfer center for bus is a part of mass transit system. Up to date, no any research report relating to the evaluation of service level of mass transit system in Taiwan or other countries has made any in-depth investigation about the evaluation of service level of the public mass transit transfer center. Under the circumstances, it is necessary to set some specific evaluation index of service level provided that we desire to measure the service level of a transfer center. Evaluation index of service level by the transfer center are classified as index relating to passengers and bus companies on the basis of the features of the public transfer center for bus. Meanwhile, the present research has obtained the evaluation index of modified service level by reviewing the related documents and thinking profoundly with the expert system of Modified Delphi Method 2. As for the decision of weight relating to the evaluation index of service level for the transfer center, its field concerned is not only one single layer or one single level; as a result, when deciding the weight of evaluation index, not only shall we address these multi-layer and multi-level issues, but also shall overcome the problems of linguistic fuzziness in questionnaire as well as indefinite information. In analyzing the examples, service level of Taipei National Highway Bus Principal Depot in Taipei City and Bus Transfer Depot in Banciao City, Taipei County was taken as the example in the present research. We acquired efficiency value for general index from the weight of evaluation index by Chen & Hwang Fuzzy Theory3 Transformed from 5-Scale Linguistic Fuzzy Number in order to deal with the difference of service level between two transfer depots referred to above. Key Words: 1.Public Transfer Center; 2.Modified Delphi Method;3.Fuzzy Theory .


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58. 鍾娟兒,問卷法之研究,台灣教育,1981。
2. Chen S.J. and Hwang C.L. (1992), Fuzzy Multiple Attribute Decision Making, Springer-Verlag, New York.
6. 亞聯工程顧問股份有限公司,高速公路交流道附近設置轉運站可行性研究,台灣省政府交通處委託,民國85年。
