  • 學位論文


The Study of Customer Knowledge Management in Public Libraries: A Case Study of Taipei County Library

指導教授 : 謝寶煖


圖書館是服務業,如同企業一樣,要能夠比其他競爭者,更能夠持續地、有效地傳遞顧客價值,使得顧客對於圖書館的產品與服務都能有高度的滿意度,才是和顧客建立長期良好關係的最根本方式。由企業界成功推行顧客知識管理進而提升顧客關係管理的模式來看,圖書館也應該積極對於圖書館的顧客知識進行有效管理,使圖書館達到因為了解顧客,掌握顧客知識,而能即時提供符合顧客需求的服務與產品;也能讓館員因為顧客知識管理的推行,而分享彼此對顧客的服務經驗,讓館員能更快速地掌握工作流程與效率。 本研究以臺北縣立圖書館為個案,探討公共圖書館的顧客知識管理過程,了解圖書館組織中顧客知識的揭露、分類、分享與回饋。針對高階主管與五位第一線服務館員進行深度訪談。在高階主管訪談過程中發現圖書館的管理階層期望館員能主動關心顧客,鼓勵館員蒐集顧客知識來了解顧客的想法與需求。在第一線服務館員訪談中發現他們會在任何可以與顧客接觸的機會中蒐集顧客知識,也會將所得的顧客知識與其他的館員分享,並將之回饋給主管。 根據訪談結果,本研究提出「臺北縣立圖書館顧客知識管理架構」在訪談的結果中發現,管理者視圖書館為服務業,並鼓勵館員主動接觸與了解顧客。臺北縣立圖書館的顧客知識管理架構中顯示:臺北縣立圖書館目前所實行顧客知識揭露的管道相當多元化,包括顧客面對面的正式溝通、利用電子郵件溝通、網頁上的意見留言、利用電話溝通與書面意見表等的自主性發言,與館員主動以走動時與顧客閒聊、辦理活動時與顧客的互動和觀察顧客使用圖書館的狀況。在這些管道中揭露了對話性、觀察性的顧客知識外,館員也透過了解顧客的興趣與閱讀的喜好,來獲取預測性的顧客知識。在館員揭露顧客知識後,會透過館員的經驗與職務分工,以及了解顧客背景與需求等方式來為顧客找尋圖書館的服務與資源中最能符合顧客需求的解答,館員也會參考來找尋可以滿足顧客需求的解決方式,進行顧客知識分類時的參考工具有圖書館所建立的正式化參考工具,如圖書館編製的工作手冊與規定手冊、工作日誌、圖書館網站上的Q&A資料;還有透過館員間利用電子郵件與談話的溝通分享;以及館員本身建立的資源,館員自身彙整各種問題解決方式的問題集等。在滿足顧客所需求的資源與服務的過程中,館員除了不斷地與顧客進行溝通外,也會嘗試去提出一些可能是顧客所需要的服務來讓他們選擇,再從他們的選擇之中,了解他們真實的需求,進而找到解決問題的方法。為了解顧客們在獲得圖書館提供服務後的任何看法,圖書館的服務能依這些意見的改善,臺北縣立圖書館在服務完成後,會透過正式的問卷調查與非正式的言語交談的方式來追蹤顧客的反應。館員在獲得顧客知識與服務的經驗後,在書面的方式會以電子郵件、櫃檯的工作日誌;及口頭談話或透過在會議上的討論來分享給其他館員與回饋給主管自身所擁有的顧客知識;另外圖書館也會透過教育訓練與座談會的舉辦,請資深與優秀的館員來分享自身的心得與經驗。現在臺北縣立圖書館中對進行顧客知識管理所建立的資源,有由圖書館所統整的資料,如圖書館內部所建立的Q&A資料庫,及整理出許多服務中所取得的各種讀者反應的資料,而且管理階層已經有將相關資料做統計分析的想法,另外也構想建置讓臺北縣所有館員都能上線溝通的留言版;還有館員們本身的工作經驗,都一直存在腦海之中,館內已經有館員自行整理個人專用的問題集,將這些經驗以具體化的形式呈現。 根據研究結果,針對顧客知識揭露、顧客知識分類與提供顧客適切的資源與服務,及顧客知識分享與回饋三方面提出建議。在顧客知識揭露過程方面,建議圖書館應定期檢視相關的規則、為顧客舉辦圖書館利用的教育訓練課程、開闢讀者討論區、定期為舉辦館員教育訓練課程、預測顧客需求;顧客知識分類與提供顧客適切的資源與服務的過程方面,建議設計即時查詢的讀者服務資料庫、編製工作手冊、進行服務滿意度調查;顧客知識分享與回饋的過程方面,建議鼓勵館員從事顧客服務之相關研究、定期為館員舉辦經驗分享的聚會、對館員辦理活動宣導會、招募志同道合的優秀志工。


Libraries as enterprises are service industry and deliver customer value more consistently and effectively than other rivals, so to make customer to feel highly satisfy to the products and service of libraries is the most original way to make long-term relationship with customers. From the model that enterprise developed customer knowledge management to advance customer relationship management, libraries should actively and effectively manage their customer knowledge to know their customer and have customer knowledge so that they provide the right service and products to the customers in real time. Furthermore, the development of customer knowledge management to make librarians share each other their experience on customer service, so they can control the workflow and efficiency more quickly. This research is a case study of Taipei county Library, to discuss the process of customer knowledge management in public libraries and to realize the revealing, sorting, sharing, feedback of customer knowledge in a library organization by interviewing executive officers and five service librarians. In the process of interviewing executive officers, we found that they expect the librarians to concern about customers actively and encourage them to collect customer knowledge to understand customer’s thought and needs. In the process of interviewing service librarians, we found that they collect customer knowledge when they contact with customers, then they share customer knowledge with each other and feedback to manager. According to the outcome of interview, this research proposed the frame of customer knowledge management of Taipei county Library. From the outcome, we found that the manager think libraries as service industry and encourage the librarians to contact with customers and know them. The frame of customer knowledge management of Taipei county Library show that there are many way to reveal customer knowledge in Taipei county Library, including face to face, e-mail, massage on the website, telephone and letter communicate with customer, as well as the librarians talking and reacting with customer. The librarians found the conversational and observational customer knowledge by these ways, further, they realized customer interest and prefer of reading in order to capture predictive customer knowledge. After revealing customer knowledge, the librarians will look for the suitable solution for the customer in the service and resource of library via their experience and position. Formal reference tool built by the library, for example, work books, regulation books, work diary, Q&A information on the library website, opinions shared between librarians through e-mail or chat with each other, individual librarian’s own resource, and problem-solving collection individual librarian created by himself, are the reference tool in the process of customer knowledge sorting. In the process of fitting customer’s need in resource and service, librarians not only insistently communicate with customers, but try to propose some service for them to choose, then realize their real need from their choice and find the problem-solving out. In order to know customer’s opinions after gaining library service and promote service according to their opinions, Taipei county Library will trace the reaction from customers through formal questionnaire or informal chat. After the librarians gain customer knowledge and experience, they share their own customer knowledge to other librarians and managers via e-mail, work diary, chat, or a discussion in conferences. In addition, the library invites the senior and superior librarians to share their experience in conferences. Now the resource of customer knowledge management in Taipei county Library is from the Q&A database created by themselves and the feedback from all readers. The managers already have a idea of information statistic analyzing and creating an on-line message board for all librarians in Taipei county. Furthermore, the librarians’ own experience are always in their minds, some librarians make their experience concrete by write a problem-solving collection. According to the outcome of research, we offer a proposal for customer knowledge revealing, customer knowledge sorting and suitable resource and service providing, and customer knowledge sharing and feedback. About customer knowledge revealing, we suggest the library should check relative regulation periodically, hold courses of how to use library, hold educational course for librarians periodically, and predict customer’s need. About customer knowledge sorting and suitable resource and service providing, we suggest the library should design a real time search database for customer service, make workbook, and investigate service satisfaction. About customer knowledge sharing and feedback, we suggest the library should encourage librarians to research customer service, hold an experience-sharing meeting for librarians periodically, hold an activity meeting for librarians, and recruit some superior volunteers.




