  • 學位論文


Interpersonal Emotion Regulation in Romantic Relationships: Congruence and Synchronization

指導教授 : 葉光輝


人際情緒調節是目前的新興議題,然而近期研究多以個體角度出發(Reeck, Ames, Ochsner, 2016; Zaki Williams, 2013),無法描繪人際互動的歷程。本研究提出以關係角度建構的模型,作為後續研究的基礎。研究一採質性訪談,訪談24對在學情侶。以主題分析法分類人際情緒調節的五階段:情緒覺察、情緒原因同理、調節動機、調節策略、成果評估。情侶於各階段的契合與否會影響下階段的契合度,進而決定情緒調節的成敗。契合度低時,情侶會用同步化方式,提升契合度。研究二採橫斷式問卷法,編製人際情緒調節契合度量表,施測108對情侶。結果顯示人際情緒調節各階段契合度如理論預期,存在中介效果。各階段合併的契合度指標,能顯著預測人際情緒調節效率、人際情緒調節傾向、幸福感、關係滿意度、正向情感共振、憂鬱、焦慮與壓力。研究三A以縱貫式問卷,施測144位親密關係中的個體。結果發現各階段契合度存在跨時間與跨事件的中介作用。契合度指標能顯著預測個體在經歷負向情緒事件後的關係滿意度。研究三B則以同一筆資料,驗證契合度低時,個體會進行同步化。且同步化有助於提升之後的契合度與關係滿意度。該模型不僅能成為未來研究的架構,也能應用於伴侶治療中,識別不契合的階段,調整此段關係能提供的情緒調節協助。


It’s been more than 20 years since Gross (1998) published a milestone paper on the topic of emotion regulation. The focus of the topic has shifted to interpersonal context, which is the main source of emotion and emotion regulation. The existing theories of interpersonal emotion regulation (IER) were reviewed (Reeck et al., 2016; Zaki Williams, 2013). However, both of them still emerged from an individual perspective, lacking the description of interpersonal interaction process. Moreover, both failed to predict the results of IER. This dissertation proposed using a relational-focused perspective to construct the IER model. Study 1 used thematic analysis and 24 couples were interviewed about their experience of regulating negative emotions with their partners. Five stages of IER were identified, which is emotion awareness, empathy of emotion cause, regulation motivation, regulation strategy, and effect evaluation, by time order. The congruence of each stage influenced the congruence of the next stage and decided the results of IER. When the congruence was low, individual would try to synchronize with their partner to promote the congruence. Study 2 measured 108 couples’ congruence and indicators of their well-being, and relationship satisfaction. The questionnaire of first 4 stages of IER was developed and showed a stable serial mediation process. The index of congruence, which combined 4 stages of IER, predicted couples’ well-being and relationship satisfaction. Study 3A and 3B was a longitudinal study and 144 participants enrolled. It measured the time before a negative emotion event (NEE) happened (T1), the day of NEE happened (T2), and 3 days after NEE happened (T3). Study 3A validated the result of study 2 again, showing the serial mediation process of 4 stages existed across time and NEE. The index of congruence of T1, mediated by the congruence of regulation strategy of T2/T3, predicted the relationship satisfaction of T2/T3, the positive emotion and negative emotion of T2, and positivity resonance of T3. In each time frame, the congruence of regulation strategy positively predicted the relationship satisfaction. Study 3B focused on the relation of the synchronization and the congruence. Results showed as the congruence of regulation strategy (T2) became lower, the frequency of synchronization would be higher during T2 to T3. The positive influence of the effectiveness of synchronization on the congruence of regulation strategy (T3) only appeared when the congruence of regulation strategy (T2) was low. The effectiveness of synchronization during T2 to T3 positively predicted the relationship satisfaction (T3). Through 3 studies, an evidence-based IER model was built and a reliable and valid corresponding measure was developed. The model has much potential in couple therapy and emotional disturbance therapy. The interpersonal context of this model was easy to shift different kinds of relationships, such as parent-child or supervisor-subordinator relationship.


何文澤、葉光輝、呂婕、Sundararajan, L. K. W.(2017):〈適當表達:親子衝突中的情緒精鍊〉。《本土心理學研究》,48,57-119。
