  • 學位論文


The Study on Contract Dispute for Public Constructions – Lessons Learned from Court Cases

指導教授 : 曾惠斌


摘 要 在整個公共工程履約過程中,機關扮演著非常重要的角色,也是整個工程從工程構想、規劃設計、至完工驗收及保固完成的全程參與者。探究工程爭議發生在履約過程中,除了不可抗力的原因問題外,造成爭議的源頭,大部分與開工前的前置作業有關,而前置作業的參與者包括政府機關、專案管理、設計單位,在工程所有參與者之中,機關扮演的是核心單位。機關應辦事項若未於預定期程內辦妥,勢必對整個工期造成遲延,壓縮後續工期,當浮時用盡,壓縮到要徑作業,也將影響後續工程的進行。因此,廠商將會要求工期展延及展延增加費用。故本研究將針對公共工程爭議,包括:給付承攬報酬、按時提供用地、按時提供正確之設計圖說、辦理驗收及發還相關保證金,此五項爭議型態作深入探討。 本研究蒐集公共工程爭議之法院判決案例,共有64個案例,經歸納彙整後得知:(1)爭議發生原因及態樣(2)法院對爭議案件之判決結果(3)爭議綜合分析後歸納之注意事項(4)引用民法條文之分析。探究工程爭議之原因,大部分均與事先計畫之人員經驗欠缺、溝通協調能力不佳、規劃設計期程緊迫及檢核制度未落實等有關,造成工程構思欠周詳、圖說與價目表不符、圖說之間標示矛盾、契約條文約定不公平等態樣。本研究將透過專家訪談方式及案例研究驗證,提供機關與廠商在於爭議發生前之預防措施,減少爭議情事之發生,以及爭議發生後如何妥善處理,使得爭議處理能更加迅速有效解決,減少爭訟時間與節省成本之支出。 最後,本研究針對公共工程爭議項目提出實務上處理對策,從規劃設計至工程發包階段,對於契約文件及工程圖說之注意事項。工程發包、簽約後履約執行階段問題發生時之處理對策,提供機關及工程執行相關單位於執行時之參考。


Abstract Performance throughout the course of public constructions, authority plays a very important role, and also is the major participant of the whole project, including the project concept, planning and designing, completing verification and the completion of the warranty. Regarding controversy occurring during the performance, most of all comes from the pre-operation process, except the reasons of force majeure issues.The participants of pre-operation process include governmental agencies, project management, design units and among them authority is the core player. If the schedule of agenda carrying by the authority has been put off, certainly it will cause the delay of whole performance and compress the followings. When the float has been exhausted, it will compress the critical path operations which will also affect the subsequent works. In the case, the manufactured contractor will require the extension of the duration and the relevant charge. Therefore, the study will focus on following five types of controversy of public construction projects, including the payment of compensation contract, providing the available place and the correct design chart on time, completing verification and reimbursement of related margin. The study has collected 64 Court Cases related to public constructions which could be concluded as: (1) the cause of the dispute and state-like (2) The court's ruling on the dispute cases (3) a comprehensive analysis of the dispute after the induction The Note (4) reference to the provisions of civil law analysis. To study the reasons of disputes, most of all are related to the lack of the projectors’ experience, poor communication and coordination, pressing time and unaccomplished vetting system, that could result to uncareful project design and the figure which does not match with the price list, contradiction of figure marks, unfairness of agreement terms. The study works through expert interviews and case studies validated, in order to provide preventive measures to reduce the occurrence of violations controversy to authorities and the manufacturer, as well as how to properly handle the dispute and make the dispute to be resolved more quickly and effectively which reduces litigation time and cost of expenses. Finally, the study aims on the practice solutions of the controversy of public construction, including the notes of contract documents and drawings during the planning, designing and project contracting phases. In addition to provide the references of the strategies related to project contracting and the problems occurring during the implementation phase to the governmental agencies and project implementation relevant units.


11.臺灣高等法院 民事裁判書_97,建上,126
24.臺灣高等法院 民事裁判書_98,建上,115


曾淑菁(2016)。公共工程專案管理履約爭議分析及對策之研究─ 以代辦機關執行專案管理工程為例〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU201601329
