  • 學位論文


A Study on Mainland China’s Food Dollar Series

指導教授 : 徐世勳


近幾年隨著中國大陸經濟起飛,農食產業亦發展迅猛,產業內各環節價值分配及發展趨勢受到各界與相關部門關注。本文透過美國農業部經濟研究中心開發之農食產業附加價值分析方法(Food Dollar Series),採用大陸國家統計局2002、2007 與2012年全國產業關聯表為資料,以市場運銷、產業鏈、初級要素三個維度進行分析,並與台灣、美國、日本、韓國等已開發經濟體進行比較,以釐清當前農食產業發展特徵及趨勢。 研究發現,中國大陸農食產業鏈中生產者所獲附加價值呈下降趨勢;產業鏈中各環節附加價值佔比由高至低為農業與農企業、食品加工、食品服務與批發零售;初級要素分配由高至低為勞動報酬、營業盈餘、固定資產折舊以及生產稅淨額;與其他已開發經濟體相比,大陸農食產業生產者所獲附加價值與上游生產端佔比較高、產業仍以勞動力密集型為主。 故本文認為中國大陸農食產業除進一步加快農食產業鏈延長及結構調整外,亦應重視產業鏈附加價值之重要性。在保障上游生產同時,重視產業下游市場需求變化,並提高從業者整體勞動素質,以減少各環節成本與資源錯配之情況。


In recent years, the development of Mainland China has been rapidly. The agri-food chain has also been improved steadily. This paper examines, with a filter of the U.S. ERS food dollar series, Mainland China’s food dollar series in the final market is demand by using the 2002, 2007, and 2012 Input-Output Table data, which are published by the National Bureau of Statistics. This thesis analyzes three series: marketing bill series, industry group series, and primary factor series. Moreover, compared with the developed economies such as Taiwan, the United States, Japan and Korea, our study is to understand the characteristics and the trend of the agri-food chain currently. The empirical results are supported by the following evidences. Firstly, the marketing bill series finds out that the farm share value is decreasing. Secondly, the industry group series suggests that the value added of the top four supply chain industries share are “Farming and Agrbusiness”, “Food Processing”, “Food Services” and “Food Transactions”. Thirdly, the primary factor series implies that the allocation of primary factor share (from the highest to lowest) is “Salary and Benefits”, “Operating Surplus”, “Depreciation of Fixed Capital” and “Net Taxes on Production (Less Subsidies)”. Furthermore, comparing with other developed economies, Mainland China’s farm share value and the value added of the upstream industry chain are higher than other countries in agri-food chain, which also exists in labor-intensive industry. Basic on the findings, this paper deduces that Mainland China should pay more attention to accelerate the extension of agri-food chain and structural adjustment, as well as attach much more importance to the concept of the value added in agri-food chain. While ensuring upstream production, we should consider both sides of consumers and producers and implement effectively so as to enhance labor quality and reduce mismatch of market resources.


Beghin, J. C., & Bureau, J. C. (2015). The Cost of Food Self-Sufficiency and Agricultural Protection in South Korea. Iowa Ag Review, 8(1), 2.
