  • 學位論文


Pain for Pleasure: Catching Sight of the BDSM Community in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林照真 陳惠敏


本報導從愉虐實踐者經驗出發,試圖藉由真實、懇切與平實的報導,一步步帶領讀者走入愉虐的世界,進而了解與認識這個次文化社群。 本報導共分為三部分。 第一章到第四章試圖從各種不同面向,帶領讀者深入了解愉虐文化。報導中包含多名實踐者的親身體驗、愉虐文化歷史和特殊的性別現象等。讀者將可發現,愉虐並非只是「疼痛造成快感」的單純模式,當中更涵蓋精神和權力的複雜交流過程,以及自我發現和成長的故事。 第五章到第七章則關注愉虐社群與社會互動的動態過程,除了描繪大眾與學界如何看待愉虐行為外,也納入愉虐社群推動社會認同的脈絡和內部成員之間的矛盾。此外,常見的愉虐方式「繩縛」,也在最近幾年以藝術形式走入公領域,廣為民眾所認識。 第八章則為本報導進行反思與結語,總結愉虐社群現階段的處境、比較與過去的差異和其未來走向等。 透過八個章節的報導,除了為台灣愉虐次文化留下真實紀錄,也期待增加社會不同社群間的相互理解。


In order to understand and comprehend the BDSM community, this report started by sadomasochistic practicers’ experiences, trying to lead readers walk into the world of BDSM step by step by means of real, sincere and simple spot coverage. This report can be divided into three parts. Chapter 1 to chapter 4 attempts to guide readers understand the sadomasochistic culture by different aspects, including sadomasochistic practicers’ stories, the history of sadomasochism and the distinctive gender phenomenon. Readers can find out that sadomasochism is not only the model of “pain leads to pleasure”, but the complicated relation between spirit and authority. Besides, it also contains stories of self-discovery and growth. Chapter 5 to chapter 7 focuses the interaction between the BDSM community and the society. In addition to portray how the masses and the academia treat sadomasochistic behaviors, this part includes their process of advancing social identification and the contradiction between BDSM community members. Besides, “Bondage” is familiar with publicity recently, since it becomes a kind of art. Chapter 8 is the conclusion. It describes and compares the situation of BDSM community between past and now. Furthermore, this chapter depicts what they are going to do in the future. This report tries to put the sadomasochistic subculture into record and contribute to the comprehension between various communities through 8 chapters.


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