  • 學位論文


Environmental Governance and Public Nuisance Dispute: A Case Study of "Sixth Naphtha" Fires ,2010

指導教授 : 林子倫


本文旨在描繪出台灣公害糾紛處理機制發展脈絡中,公害糾紛處理機制現況與遭遇問題的樣貌,主要目的在於探索環境治理與公害糾紛的困境,並提出解決的可行方向。透過在地居民、民意代表、台塑企業、環保團體及政府部門等利害關係人的深度訪談,藉以了解2010年六輕大火事件個案的抗爭緣由及處理經過,以及造成六輕環境治理與公害糾紛困境的根源問題。 本研究發現,環保抗爭催生公害糾紛處理法,但利害關係人都對公害糾紛存有泛政治化的處理視為理所當然,從而衝突無法全然納入制度化的法律機制處理。在六輕個案中,民眾缺乏信任,是抗爭的根本原因;而國家經濟至上的發展政策,為六輕環境治理困境最大的癥結因素。因此本文主張,除了真相,更重要的是信任,以「信任」為核心價值的社會資本,有助於建立社會信任、互惠合作及社會凝聚力,並改善六輕利害關係人間長期存在不信任的問題。其次,環評審查引入公民參與機制設計的意義,在於透過賦權使開發計畫附近在地居民,獲得對自身生活有更大的控制權,政府營造有利公民參與的環境,可改善公民參與監督六輕的客觀條件不足的問題。 針對六輕環境治理與公害糾紛的困境,審議民主及社區主義的可能扮演的角色方面,本研究發現早期參與及擴大參與,應為環評公民參與機制設計的可行方向,在程序初期,以社區層次的審議民主參與方式是其中一個選擇方案;而社區主義的關鍵角色,重點可能不在於居民簽訂協議的形式,而是要如何鼓勵居民參與、產生意識及榮譽感。


The purpose of the research is to understand the development of the system to resolve public nuisance dispute, its operation model, and the current issues. The research also probes the gridlock facing the environmental governance and public nuisance dispute, and offers feasible solutions. Via in-depth interviews with local residents, elected representatives, Formosa Plastics Group, environmental groups and government departments, the root cause of disputes encountered during the process to resolve the environmental hazard by the case study of "Sixth Naphtha" fires in 2010 was identified. Based on the study, it was found that the activities of resistance for environment protection functioned as a trigger to push the government to establish the Public Nuisance Dispute Mediation Act. During the resistance activities, the stakeholders considered it reasonable to solve an environmental issue as a political issue. Thus, it was difficult to control the process by laws when conflicts occurred. In the case of "Sixth Naphtha" Fires, the main cause of the resistance activity stemmed from the lack of public trust on the system to resolve the issue. This “trust” issue was further fueled by the government’s established policy of prioritizing economic development. In order to eliminate future conflicts, it is advocated that establishing trust is of prime importance, in addition to presenting truth. Only when trust becomes the core value of social capital, mutual cooperation and social cohesion could be built. “Trust” will also improve the situation experienced during the "Sixth Naphtha", where the residents had a long history of lacking confidence in the system. Moreover, empowering the residents with a bigger voice in the environmental impact assessment and audition provides a positive image to the government and a friendly atmosphere, all resulting in more involvement from the residents living in the neighborhood close to the development project. Based on the disputes and conflicts experienced from the environmental governance and public nuisance dispute of "Sixth Naphtha", deliberative democracy and communitarianism could play significant roles. The study found that both early and higher level of involvement from the local residents and citizens in the environmental impact assessment might be one of the feasible options. During the early phase of the process, deliberative democracy at the community level is one of the options. Meanwhile, the key role for communitarianism is to encourage the participation from the residents, promote the awareness and raise the sense of honor, instead of the merely signing of the agreement.


