  • 學位論文


Duration Forecast for Construction Engineering Subject to the Impact of Wind Uncertainty: An Study of Wind Turbine Construction Project

指導教授 : 郭斯傑教授


台灣地區天然資源蘊藏不豐,自產能源匱乏,98%以上的能源供給仰賴進口,化石能源進口依存度高,為減少對能源進口的依賴度及全球溫室氣體減量的壓力下,並為打造非核家園之目標邁進,我國政府全力積極推動各類再生能源計畫,例如「千架海陸風力機」計畫與「陽光屋頂百萬座」計畫。由於台灣位處大陸板塊與海洋交界處,每年因受到強勁的東北季風吹襲,使得台灣本島沿岸暨許多離島地區,年平均風速超過每秒4公尺以上,風能蘊藏相當豐富;且風力發電具備低環境污染、低發電成本及永續發展之優點,為具潛力的再生能源之一,故風力發電機組興建工程將在台灣積極開發推動建置。 為確保風力發電機組興建工程能在規劃期程內完成並開始啟用供電,在台灣,目前大多數的風力發電機組興建工程合約大都採用日曆天計算工期。惟規劃這些日曆天時並未仔細考量風不確定因素影響所產生之風險,目前工程界實務上對於受天候影響之工期預估大多是根據經驗法則以概估方式處理,惟此概估方式常因人而異,若風不確定性因素之影響超乎預期,則工期延誤之風險相應而增加。因此,承包商需承受更多的風險。好的專案管理(project management)係要減少不確定因素所造成之不良影響,而使專案時程能依循所規畫之排程進行;同時,亦能動態地調整所規畫之排程俾利符合專案實際執行情況。因此,如何準備一個受到風的負面衝擊之風險最小的規畫排程實為一風力發電機組興建工程中重要的課題。 然而傳統的排程方法,如要徑法,並未將風的衝擊納入排程考量;實務上,此等風的衝擊常常仰賴工程師的工程經驗或專家的主觀判斷推測後,據以概估地增加一段緩衝期程來因應風不確定性因素之影響。然而,該等緩衝期程常因人而異,且不足夠的緩衝期程亦會導致工期延誤,進而產生履約爭議及對社會大眾造成不便。在營建管理相關領域中,如排程規畫或生產力預估等研究,模擬(simulation)是一個用來處理不確定因素之有效方法。因此,若能根據歷史風速資料,在規劃或設計階段對許多不同假設情境進行模擬,應能較可靠地、合理地評估風的衝擊,俾利減少風力發電機組興建工程的工期延誤風險。 本研究蒐集風力發電機組興建工程工址鄰近區域之中央氣象局歷史風速資料,藉由分析各級風對各受風敏感之作業項目的直接生產力影響,結合經模糊隸屬函數量化處理之專家經驗,建立一風力發電機組興建工程受風影響之工期估算模式,再結合導入所蒐集之歷史風速資料,發展一電腦排程模擬系統,並以台灣電力公司主政之「桃園蘆竹風力發電機組興建工程」為例,測試此工期估算模式與電腦排程模擬系統之成效,期能提供排程人員更具科學性、系統性與可靠性之預測工期與排程參考。本研究契合我國近年推動風力發電之方針,並填補風力發電機組興建工程難以評估工期受風影響程度之缺憾,亦可提升風力發電機組興建工程之風險認知。藉由參酌本研究擬訂合理、可靠之工期,進而順利推展工進俾利減少延誤及糾紛發生,對於我國未來開發大量風力發電機組興建工程之營建管理,實屬有價值之貢獻。


Due to many concerns of global climate changing, many countries are making efforts for reducing carbon emission and increasing green energy in order to develop a low carbon and sustainable society. Because of its characteristics of cleanness, inexhaustibility, low pollution and low cost, wind energy becomes one of the most promising renewable energy sources as an alternative to conventional fossil, coal, or nuclear sources of energy. Therefore, many countries are increasingly devoted to establish wind farms with multi-megawatt sized wind turbines for sustainable green energy developments. Ritter et al. (2015) noted that the global cumulative installed capacity of wind energy increased from 6 GW in 1996 to 318 GW in 2013 and is expected to reach 596 GW in 2018. Thus, it is foreseeable that a large number of wind turbine construction projects will be carried out worldwide in the near future. Taiwan has few indigenous energy resources. More than 98% of energy resource is imported from overseas, mainly conventional fossil, coal, or nuclear sources of energy. How to develop self-produced energy instead of depending on the importation to ensure steady supply is one of the major concerns for future energy development in Taiwan. With abundant wind energy potential existed, Taiwan’s government has been actively promoting installation of wind farms for the reduction of carbon emissions and the development of sustainable energy. Wind turbines mainly capture wind energy to produce electricity; therefore, the sites selected for constructing wind farm, particularly onshore or offshore, are definitely with plentiful of strong wind. However, strong wind could lead to significant productivity loss of some wind-sensitive tasks resulting in adversely affecting the scheduling of wind turbine construction and causing delay. Consequently, the wind, simultaneously playing both positive and negative roles in the wind farm construction project, makes schedule control a challenging job. Accordingly, wind is a significant weather risk for productivity loss and schedule delay in wind turbine construction projects. In Taiwan, most wind turbine construction projects are now awarded on a calendar-day basis, in which the contract period has been specified without considering the wind impact in each calendar day. As results, the contractors will take more schedule risks than ever before. Unfortunately, conventional scheduling techniques (e.g., critical path method) are not able to catch the impact of wind uncertainties. In practice, the impact of wind uncertainties is usually estimated by a rule of thumb based on engineers’ past experiences and experts’ subjective judgements and is roughly adjusted by adding an estimated amount of time. However, different experiences and judgements from various professionals will result in different adjustments. Also, inappropriately adjustment could not keep the project on the track of the stipulated schedule plan, which results in raising serious events of disputes or penalty between the contractor and the owner. Simulation is an effective approach to handle the uncertainties involved in various aspects of construction management, such as scheduling and productivity estimation. Therefore, scientifically simulating various scenarios based on historical wind speed data in plan/design phase would more accurately evaluate the impact of wind uncertainties to minimize the duration risks of wind turbine construction project. With the assistance of professional expertise, the incorporation of fuzzy-set approach, as well as the utilization of historical wind speed data, this research presents a duration estimation model for wind turbine construction project subject to the impact of wind uncertainties,. An appropriate duration for each wind-sensitive task based on no-wind condition can be assigned based on a rule of thumb; afterwards, the simulated duration subject to the impact of wind uncertainties can be derived by the proposed model. An application example using this model to estimate the duration of wind-sensitive tasks is presented using actual wind speed data from Taiwan. This model is easier to follow and simpler to apply. By employing this approach, the duration can be more accurately estimated even though without much relevant working experience provided.


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