  • 學位論文


A BIM enabled Construction Quality Inspection Approach

指導教授 : 謝尚賢


國內公共工程委員會所推行的三級品管制度是為了強化施工品質管理,透過許多的法令與規範,訂定參與工程各角色的職責,第三級品質查核,是來檢討及改善工程作業缺失,期待工程品質能夠被監督,第二級品質保證,由監造單位執行,以確保工程的施工成果能符合設計及規範,第一級為品質管制,為承攬的施工廠商依據品質及施工計畫書自行辦理施工品質自主檢查。然而,根據政府查核小組的統計資料顯示,屬於二級品質保證的查驗作業仍有許多未落實執行的缺失行為,間接導致工程品質受到影響,若工程品質管理不佳,使施工成果不符合標準,嚴重者須拆除重作,增加成本與資源的浪費,更影響整體工程進度,甚至造成工程災害,這也說明在施工階段,監督作業及品質管理是相當重要的一環。 隨著資訊技術的進步,帶動營建產業資訊化的趨勢,建築資訊模型(Building Information Modeling, BIM)為產業應用的新技術,透過元件參數化的屬性資訊與三維視覺化技術的優勢,可提供建築生命週期中各項作業模式進行工程資訊化整合管理,讓工程資訊傳遞達到一致性。目前政府在許多公共工程的標案中,積極鼓勵或是要求採用BIM技術,而公共工程委員會也成立BIM推動平台,這顯示BIM技術應用已逐漸受到重視。 營建產業資訊化能力的提升與BIM逐漸被納入工程契約之中,如何利用資訊化整合與BIM技術,輔助工程監造查驗作業流程,改善查驗人員在執行作業時常見的缺失行為,正是本研究之目的,使工程品質管理方式達到理想,因此,本研究應用BIM技術與資料庫管理,開發一Web-based資訊化輔助工具(iNSPECTOR)進行監造查驗作業, iNSPECTOR係利用BIM模型所提供視覺化與圖面資訊一致性的特性,藉由資料庫管理系統整合查驗作業的資訊,透過行動設備於現場進行查驗作業,讓監造查驗人員在施工階段可以即時紀錄與檢視查驗歷程資訊,並將其查驗歷程完整儲存,提供後續工程矯正措施參考與歷程紀錄備查之用。最後將iNSPECTOR開發之研究成果以訪談的方式,彙集業主、建築師、工程顧問公司與營造廠各方專家的意見,進行檢討修正,使系統更符合實務需求。iNSPECTOR使工程資訊充分共享及再利用,監造之查驗作業能有效落實執行,降低缺失行為,確保施工成果符合設計及規範,達到工程品質保證之目標,進而提升整體工程的品質。


The government promotes the Three-Level Quality Mechanism for Construction Quality Management to establish every role involved in the construction through the laws and norms. The third level of Quality Control system is to improve the quality of public construction. It mainly inspects the authority, the supervision divisions, and construction companies with an auditing system to make sure the construction quality. The second level of Quality Assurance system, engineering department of sponsored agencies and supervision divisions must ensure that the outcome of the construction work can meet the design and specification. According to the statistics from New Taipei City Government of Construction Surveillance Units from 2010 to 2014, the supervision still often misses some mistakes in the site inspection, paperwork, or Supervision Plan during the construction phase. If these are not correct, they will cause high costs, the waste of resources and engineering disasters. How to improve quality management for the inspector is an important issue to be deeply investigated. The construction industry is moving towards the application of Building Information Modeling (BIM) for managing and integrating engineering information efficiently. Today, engineering consultant companies, construction companies and architectural companies do a lot of research about the development of BIM to integrate and visualize engineering information for higher productivity. BIM and Information Technology are gradually adopted in the contract of public construction. The purpose of this research is on how to take advantage of information technology and BIM technology to assist the inspection process of the supervision and reduce the inspector’s errors during the operation so that we can make the Construction Quality Management ideal. Thus, this research has developed a web-based system called iNSPECTOR to assist and guide quality inspection in the construction phase. The system applies BIM to help inspectors visualize the information of spatial variation, and save the recording time for collecting information on site using iPad. As a result, the correction measure can be provided and the record of the process can be kept for future checkup. In the end, we have examined and revised the result of iNSPECTOR developing research, so we interviewed the owners, architects, engineering consultants, and construction companies to collect their opinions to meet the needs of the system. In conclusion, iNSPECTOR not only collects on-site data and information efficiently but also manages and reuses the information of construction. With the help of iNSPECTOR, we can carry out the inspection of the supervision well, avoid the mistakes, and make sure that the result of the construction meets its design and norm.


BIM Database Quality Inspection Web-based Quality Assurance


